Why does 12/3/04 in an Access table become 03-Dec-04 when exporte.



When exporting a table created in Access with a date formatted as 12/3/2004
to Excel, the date appears as 03-Dec-04 in the Excel spreadsheet. How can I
make the format of the date transfer?

Douglas J. Steele

In many cases, Microsoft products assume mm/dd/yyyy format, ignoring
whatever format you've chosen in Regional Settings.

You say you're exporting the table: to what format are you exporting? How
are you getting it into Excel? If you're using a text file, for instance, I
believe that the Text Wizard in Excel allows you to specify the date format.


Our solution was to create a query of the table being
exported that includes a column such as this;

OurDate: Format([DateColumn],"mm/dd/yy")

It necessitates creating a query where a table aught to be
enough, but it was simple and it works for us.


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