Why do fonts get big on signatures?



When replying to a message, the font size of my signature changes if the
messsage is not HTML. Any ideas how to fix this?

I narrowed this down. The only time there is a problem is when I reply to a
rich text message. Then the font size of my signature increases for some
reason. When replying to HTML or plain text, everything is ok. Any ideas as
to why this happens and how to fix it?


I figured this out kmyself, since no one out there answered.
From http://www.howto-outlook.com/Howto/signatures.htm

Creating separate signatures for Plain Text, HTML and Rich Text formatted mail
Once you've created a signature you might want to edit the signature to make
them look better in Plain Text, HTML or Rich Text formatted mail. To do this
you must go to the location where the signatures are stored. By default they
are stored in the following location;
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

Here you'll find 3 files per signature; one for each possible mail format. A
txt-file for Plain Text, htm-file for HTML and a rtf-file for Rich Text
Format based e-mail. This will enable you to easily edit the individual files
in your favourite editor and make sure they are shown correctly. For instance
you can add extra spaces in your Plain Text based signature so that text is
outlined correctly.

Note that when using multiple fonts in your HTML or Rich Text signature the
fonts must also be installed on the computer of the recipient for it to show

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