Which folder - good practice?



Hi there

I have created a set of addins which, via an install procedure, get
saved in C:\Program Files\MyCompanyName. Registry entries are set

I create a custom INI file during the startup of my add-in using Open,
Get, Put, etc. and use to store path information and othe user
variables. The INI file location is taken from the ThisWorkbook.Path

This works fine on most Office/Windows versions except XP, when the INI
file Put fails because the user (I guess) does not have write
permission to C:\Program Files. I do not want to put the INI file into
the My Documents folder as I believe it would be too vulnerable to
inquisitive users.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what they have found to be good
practice for add-ins that are likely to be deployed across several
operating systems that would get around the problem outlined above?

Many thanks, in advance, for any advice.


Dave Peterson

I don't have a real suggestion...

But is there a reason you don't want to store that stuff in the registry?


Hi Dave - thanks for your response. The INI file I'm writing is binary
and is very convenient for storing variant arrays. I also use the
registry, but typically for text data, so would prefer to continue to
use the custom INI approach.


Dave Peterson


I'd be worried about putting stuff in my documents, too. As a user, I might
even delete it if I saw it just hanging around.

Maybe a hidden folder (won't be hidden by all users, though). (or a hidden file
on c:\???).

I would consider putting that file on C:\. Keep it in the open and maybe a .txt
file that explains why it's there???

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