Where is my Address Book Contact



Just bought new computer with Vista and updated all MS programs. Carried over
all previous data and settings, but my Address Book from my old computer is
showing under Business Contact Manager. I need easier access to my email
addresses. Any suggestions????? How can I get then to show back up under


on left bottom of outlook program screen, enable "folder view" by clicking on
the folder icon. Then look in the folder list for your "Business Contact
Manager", make sure that folder is "expanded" - if there is a "plus" sign
next to it, click it to expand the view. Under that "Business Contact
Manager", there should be your "Business Contacts". RIGHT click while
pointing to "Business Contacts" - choose "Properties" from the lil pop down
list that opens. You should see a tab with "Outlook Address Book". Click on
that tab, and make sure the check box "show this folder as an email address
book" is checked. Then you should be able to see these addresses from any
new email message to: click button. You might have to change the drop down
list to the Business Contact Address Book in the "Look in" section to see

Hope this helps ~ Good Luck !


Teri... thanks so much. I was able to do it all until it came to clicking the
"Show this folder" box. It was dim and would not allow me to click it. Am I
leaving something else undone?


That is strange ..... I will have to think on what might have caused this to
happen... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................

The only things that comes to mind right off - is do you have ANY email
addresses entered in any of your Business Contacts at this time? If not, try
adding a email address to anybody and see if that forces it to understand you
might want to have this folder as an email address book also....

Also make sure that you have an email account set up - in other words, do
you have a working send / receive happening in your regular contacts folder?
or can you send / receive anything at all from your inbox? if not, make sure
you have set up a working email account - then try the right click folder
property thing on your Business Contacts folder.

If that doesn't work - I'm out of ideas until I sleep on it :)

Good Luck !

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