When is Winforms Combobox.SelectedValue a string?


Ethan Strauss

I generally work on web apps, but I am dealing with a Winform right now
and may be missing something really basic.
I have a combobox and I would like to know what value has been selected.
When I try to get the value as a string I sometimes get errors because
Combobox.SelectedValue is a DataRowView and when I try to get the value by
first casting as a DataRowView I sometimes get errors because I can't cast a
string to a DataRowView! I have not been able to track down when the value is
what and, while I could check for type, that seems really cumbersome for just
getting a simple value! Anyone know what I am missing?
More details: The combobox starts life without any items. It gets a
datatable as a datasource when the Tab of a Tabcontrol, on which it resides,
is selected. The databinding looks like this:

public static void BindeNumToList(System.Windows.Forms.ListControl
theControl, Type EnumType)
theControl.DataSource = eNumByDescriptionAsDataTable(EnumType);
theControl.DisplayMember = "Displays";
theControl.ValueMember = "Values";

where eNumByDescriptionAsDataTable is a method which generates a simple
datatable with a "Values" column and a "Displays" column from an eNum type.

The code which tries to find the value of the combobox looks like this:
DataRowView SelectedRow = (DataRowView)KitUsedBox.SelectedValue;
KitUsed TheKit = (KitUsed)int.Parse(SelectedRow[0].ToString());
// KitUsed TheKit =

The uncommented part sometimesworks and sometimes throws errors. When I
switch and just have the part the is currently commented, I get the same
general behavior. Sometimes works, sometimes throws errors.

Thanks for your help!

Ethan Strauss Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Scientist
Promega Corporation
2800 Woods Hollow Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
ethan.strauss atsign promega.com


From memory, you'll get this sort of behaviour when you have no
datasource (i.e. it either hasn'e been set or is set to null) - so I
would check that your BindeNumToList is working properly,

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