when click hyperlink the window will split two parts & result will display in secound part



Hi friends
I am creating one web application in that i take one hyperlink
control.when i click hyperlink control.how to split the page in two
parts and display the result in that secound part
If the result is not there again in orginal format How to create it
plz tell

Mark Rae

I am creating one web application in that i take one hyperlink
control.when i click hyperlink control.how to split the page in two
parts and display the result in that secound part
If the result is not there again in orginal format How to create it

It's a little difficult without knowing exactly what the hyperlink does or
what the "result" is, but one possible way would be to add an <asp:panel>
tag and set its Visible property to false initially. Place the control(s)
for the "result" in the <asp:panel> tag. When the hyperlink posts back, set
the Visible property of the <asp:panel> tag to true if the "result" is

bruce barker

the second part should be an iframe. set the hyperlink target to the
iframe name. you can use a client onclick event to create, or make the
iframe visible.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

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