What's the best way to give users temporaily administrative privileges?



We are a small company, so only 1 Domain Administrator (me). I am
going on vacation, so, I need a backup person. How should I grand this
person privileges to manage the system in case there was a problem and
upon my return, change the password or disable his/her privileges? Can
I change users's administrative rights to enable user to access even
active directory? (I don't seem to be able to do so?)

Server: Win2000 SP3?

Thanks in advance,


if you want to give the user temporary admin privs. you could just add
that user to the administrators group until you return, or you could
change the current admin password that you use, give them access to the
account, then change it back when you return.


You could put them in the administrators groups while you are gone, or
you could put them in the server operators and account operators group.
Remove them from the group when you get back. If you are in a situation
that you feel that you would need to remove the privledges from this
person on your return you may be better off hiring a outside Tech
Support company that will come when called. May cost a little if they
are needed but they are pro's. You could also create a special account
that is in the admin group to be used while you are away, and once you
return change the password.

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