whatad is this strange windowsxp-update? (KB905474)



What is this shit?
together with a more normal "Security update for Windows XP (KB925486)"
(that says something aboute VML, I guess it's the latest tuesday-hole in
today there was something else: (I have translated this from swedish)

Windows Genuine Advantage valideringsverktyg (KB905474)
(I think that is "validating tool" in english or?)

Size: 0.9 MB

You get a message from the validating tools from Windows Genuine Advantage
if your
exemple of Windows is not authentic/real/geniune. If your system show
itself be false, you may use the tool
to buy a licensiated exemple of Windows.

More information aboute this uppdate is on following address:

what in ***** is this? don't seems to be a securityholepatch or?
I don't have any particular inclination to install a "validating tool"
may one uncheck the checkbox and skip this without anything goes wrong?

Tom Willett

Check this sh*t out in the proper Windows Update newsgroup.
This isn't it, dumbass.


Den 2006-09-27 01:51:53 skrev Tom Willett said:
Check this sh*t out in the proper Windows Update newsgroup.
This isn't it, dumbass.

you mean there is a special newsgroup for just windows updates???
how awfull... but I guess with all these bugfixing of windowsXP every
week, there is enough to fill a whole newsgroup. I try to find that one

hmm.... you can't tell the name of that group? On my newsserver
there is no "microsoft.public.windowsxp.update" at least.

Bob I

the newsserver you connect to may not carry it, you may connect directly
to msnews.microsoft.com to access all the public groups.

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