What would be best?



Hello everyone. Using A02 on XP. Not a programmer, but learning a little VB.

Looking for a little guidance to be sure I'm headed in the right direction.

We have a system that generates an Excel file containing participant info.
The file has approx. 15 fields. This file needs to be 'sent' to the client
where they will make necessary edits and return the file to us to be loaded
back into the system with the changes.

My quandry: One field contains social security numbers. Due to rules and
regulations, we cannot include the SSN's in the files being sent out. But,
we need the SSN's back in before reloading back into our system.

My proposed solution: An Access DataBase. Create an import spec. Use a
command button to create a second file (w/o SSN's) that contains a new field
(hidden) that contains a unique identifier with a concatenated jumble of
contract number, SSN and plan year end. That way, when the file returns, I
can use the unique identifier field to relink to the table which contains the
SSN field and output the final file to be loaded back into the system.

Hope I've described this okay. Perhaps there's a really good idea out there
that will make this project even easier.

Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice.


Joseph Meehan

Bonnie said:
Hello everyone. Using A02 on XP. Not a programmer, but learning a
little VB.

Looking for a little guidance to be sure I'm headed in the right

We have a system that generates an Excel file containing participant
info. The file has approx. 15 fields. This file needs to be 'sent'
to the client where they will make necessary edits and return the
file to us to be loaded back into the system with the changes.

My quandry: One field contains social security numbers. Due to
rules and regulations, we cannot include the SSN's in the files being
sent out. But, we need the SSN's back in before reloading back into
our system.

My proposed solution: An Access DataBase. Create an import spec.
Use a command button to create a second file (w/o SSN's) that
contains a new field (hidden) that contains a unique identifier with
a concatenated jumble of contract number, SSN and plan year end.
That way, when the file returns, I can use the unique identifier
field to relink to the table which contains the SSN field and output
the final file to be loaded back into the system.

Hope I've described this okay. Perhaps there's a really good idea
out there that will make this project even easier.

Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice.


No need to do all that. just add an autonumber field to create a unique
number and send them a copy of that table with the SS number removed. Keep
the number in the copy you retain. When you get it back you can then import
the edited data using an update query to put the edited data into your
original table that has the SS number of link to it to get the data or SS
number depending on what direction you are going.


Thank you Joseph. I had thought of the autonumber but discarded. However,
if I import each file to it's own table, no need to worry about duplicate
value errors that can happen when records are appended and deleted to a table
with an autonumber field. I'll head in that direction. Thanks bunches!


In addition to what Joseph said, if you're worried about autonumber issues,
does you're table contain a unique file or customer number in each row
record? If not, create one. Hide the SS numbers column in your worksheet
with a password or create a duplicate file with the SS numbers removed -
field left blank.

As stated, you can match everything up when you import it. Be careful with
autonumbers unless you set them to NEVER re-use when deleted. Also, with the
new identity theft protection laws, be VERY careful with customer's info.
You should send a disclaimer to your client and have them sign (click a check
box or enter a password before the worksheet can be opened) - an agreement
stating they understand the responsibilities of this information to protect
you because if they send you SS number info back (be sure to leave a blank
space in the SS number field if you need this) you are in the same situation
as if you sent them SS numbers.



Thank you Ruth. I may create a unique field by combining a few items.
Wanted to ask you though, how do I set autonumbers to "never re-use when
deleted"? Couldn't find that anywhere in Help.

Thanks again for your help.

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