What to buy?



Ok i do currently have windows XP media version, but im doing an entire
system revamp, and figure hell why not go to vista etc... so my question do i
need to buy the full blown $230 version of the home premium or can i just get
the $160 upgrade? As in if i go and completely whipe my drive, can i pop the
upgrade CD in and put Vista on my computer?


Buy the upgrade.

Here's how to use it to do a clean install:

Ok i do currently have windows XP media version, but im doing an entire
system revamp, and figure hell why not go to vista etc... so my question do
need to buy the full blown $230 version of the home premium or can i just
the $160 upgrade? As in if i go and completely whipe my drive, can i pop the
upgrade CD in and put Vista on my computer?


JonWelson said:
Ok i do currently have windows XP media version, but im doing an entire
system revamp, and figure hell why not go to vista etc... so my question do i
need to buy the full blown $230 version of the home premium or can i just get
the $160 upgrade? As in if i go and completely whipe my drive, can i pop the
upgrade CD in and put Vista on my computer?

What makes you think you will be better of with Vista?

I'd keep XP and wait until Vista has been debugged.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

No. You would need to purchase a "Full Version" of
Windows Vista if you wish to clean install on a drive
without a previous Windows operating system. The
upgrade version of Vista is not bootable and does not
check for a qualifying Windows CD.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



Ok i do currently have windows XP media version, but im doing an entire
system revamp, and figure hell why not go to vista etc... so my question do i
need to buy the full blown $230 version of the home premium or can i just get
the $160 upgrade? As in if i go and completely whipe my drive, can i pop the
upgrade CD in and put Vista on my computer?

Synapse Syndrome

Carey Frisch said:
No. You would need to purchase a "Full Version" of
Windows Vista if you wish to clean install on a drive
without a previous Windows operating system. The
upgrade version of Vista is not bootable and does not
check for a qualifying Windows CD.

If you read the link that Val gave, or the dozens of other sites on Google,
you'll see that this is not true. I even think that the upgrade DVD is
exactly the same disk that come with all the other versions of Vista, and it
is bootable.


Andy [YaYa]

philo said:
What makes you think you will be better of with Vista?

I'd keep XP and wait until Vista has been debugged.

I wouldn't put it so rudely, but he makes a good point, what do you use your
system for mainly?

I'd say the only reason to upgrade is if you wanna check out the latest and
greatest, and that's about it. XP does just about everything Vista does save
for the added security and other various things.

I upgraded because I got a free copy of Ultimate OEM, and I love to tinker,
but I still have my XP box for stuff like my finances and business needs.
Vista has most of my games dispite the lack of SB Audigy 2 support (which I
guess is nearly fixed now).

Yeah, go with the Retail Upgrade version.


Carey Frisch [MVP]

All those sites don't mention that the Windows Genuine
Advantage program will eventually flag an upgrade only
clean installation as "non-genuine". Don't believe everything
you read as being true, especially when it comes to workarounds
which attempt to circumvent software licensing.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



in message
Carey Frisch said:
No. You would need to purchase a "Full Version" of
Windows Vista if you wish to clean install on a drive
without a previous Windows operating system. The
upgrade version of Vista is not bootable and does not
check for a qualifying Windows CD.

If you read the link that Val gave, or the dozens of other sites on Google,
you'll see that this is not true. I even think that the upgrade DVD is
exactly the same disk that come with all the other versions of Vista, and it
is bootable.


Andy [YaYa]

Carey Frisch said:
No. You would need to purchase a "Full Version" of
Windows Vista if you wish to clean install on a drive
without a previous Windows operating system. The
upgrade version of Vista is not bootable and does not
check for a qualifying Windows CD.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



Ok i do currently have windows XP media version, but im doing an entire
system revamp, and figure hell why not go to vista etc... so my question
do i
need to buy the full blown $230 version of the home premium or can i just
the $160 upgrade? As in if i go and completely whipe my drive, can i pop
upgrade CD in and put Vista on my computer?

Believe it or not, Carey is correct. If you want to do a "full", "legal",
and "clean" install of Vista you should use the Full version.

Can you get away with using the upgrade version? Yes.
Is it legal according to the letter of the license agreement? Iffy. (Your
OEM copy of XP Media Center does not qualify for upgrade I think)

So yeah, if you're an upstanding citizen and feel 2-3 years down the line
you might run into trouble where having a valid/legal version of Vista will
save you some headaches, you'll need to buy the Full retail version.

If you're not worried about all that, you can get the upgrade version to
install and activate with slightly more effort than installing the Full
version. Just go to Google for some help before you start and check the
instructions, if it seems confusing to you, it might save yourself some
time and effort and just go for the "Full Gusto".

Interesting note, The upgrade version of Office 2007 will install with the
free trial version of Office 2007 installed on your system, which you can
download for free from microsoft.com, but the same legal issues are there,
so keep that in mind. Personally I just use OpenOffice, less headache and
much cheaper.

Synapse Syndrome

Carey Frisch said:
All those sites don't mention that the Windows Genuine
Advantage program will eventually flag an upgrade only
clean installation as "non-genuine". Don't believe everything
you read as being true, especially when it comes to workarounds
which attempt to circumvent software licensing.

I haven't tried this myself, but I suspect that you have no experience with
this either. As the poster has already got an installed copy XPMCE, there
is nothing illegal being done. I can't see any comments on any sites saying
that it does not work, so I maybe what you are spreading is FUD? Obviously
only somebody has actually done this can answer this.

If I had not just built a new computer as the Vista release candidates came
out, I would have done this myself, after upgrading from an XP licence, but
not having upgraded from an XP installation. I would not trust the
integrity of the registry on such an installation.



Andy said:
I wouldn't put it so rudely, but he makes a good point, what do you use your
system for mainly?

I'd say the only reason to upgrade is if you wanna check out the latest and
greatest, and that's about it. XP does just about everything Vista does save
for the added security and other various things.

I upgraded because I got a free copy of Ultimate OEM, and I love to tinker,
but I still have my XP box for stuff like my finances and business needs.
Vista has most of my games dispite the lack of SB Audigy 2 support (which I
guess is nearly fixed now).

Yeah, go with the Retail Upgrade version.

I was not being rude...merely right to the point.
Though I do have a "test" Vista installation...
when it expires I will cease to use it...

I did not find any advantages with Vista as compared to XP...

For a very serious gamer...Vista may be the route to go...
but still not until DX-10 is out

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Not only do I have the experience, I have also had meetings
with the Microsoft Windows licensing group which this
very topic was discussed...no FUD.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User


Carey Frisch said:
All those sites don't mention that the Windows Genuine
Advantage program will eventually flag an upgrade only
clean installation as "non-genuine". Don't believe everything
you read as being true, especially when it comes to workarounds
which attempt to circumvent software licensing.

I haven't tried this myself, but I suspect that you have no experience with
this either. As the poster has already got an installed copy XPMCE, there
is nothing illegal being done. I can't see any comments on any sites saying
that it does not work, so I maybe what you are spreading is FUD? Obviously
only somebody has actually done this can answer this.

If I had not just built a new computer as the Vista release candidates came
out, I would have done this myself, after upgrading from an XP licence, but
not having upgraded from an XP installation. I would not trust the
integrity of the registry on such an installation.


Synapse Syndrome

Carey Frisch said:
Not only do I have the experience, I have also had meetings
with the Microsoft Windows licensing group which this
very topic was discussed...no FUD.

Even as far as computer geek groups go, that must have been one hell of a
party :p

OK, I am not saying that I do not believe you, only that what you say is the
only evidence I have to the contrary. Maybe I will have the chance to see
for myself some time.



Rick Rogers

I was there, and it was indeed a lively session. What Carey states is
correct, many of us were told that this workaround would be locked down.
Exactly when this will occur was not specified.

As an addendum, if the OP starts the upgrade disk from within MCE and
chooses the custom install option, they can get a fresh install to a new
folder. Personally, I'd seriously look at whether Vista offers anything they
are not getting from MCE before spending any bucks. Plus, you want to be
very sure that all the hardware is supported and that drivers are available
from the manufacturer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com

Paul Randall

Carey Frisch said:
All those sites don't mention that the Windows Genuine
Advantage program will eventually flag an upgrade only
clean installation as "non-genuine".

How about posting some URLs that do mention it, preferably Microsoft URLs.

-Paul Randall

Free Phones

Carey Frisch said:
All those sites don't mention that the Windows Genuine
Advantage program will eventually flag an upgrade only
clean installation as "non-genuine". Don't believe everything
you read as being true, especially when it comes to workarounds
which attempt to circumvent software licensing.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



in message

If you read the link that Val gave, or the dozens of other sites on
you'll see that this is not true. I even think that the upgrade DVD is
exactly the same disk that come with all the other versions of Vista, and
is bootable.


Probably 30% to 60% of all Microsoft users have a legitimate copy of Windows
to use for an upgrade. None of the ME editions worked. It is like buying a
license for music. Even though we have bought the same license 10 times
(45, 78, 33, 4-track, 8-track, cassette, CD, DVD, etc.), Bill Gates uses
technology to keep us from copying our own stuff. It would be pretty hard
to find somebody over 30 that hasn't bought at least one windows.


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