What programs are compatible with windows Vista ?


Kurt Knoll

What programs are compatible with windows Vista and what programs are not. I
do experience some slow down when I re install some of my older programs.

Kurt Knoll

Adam Albright

What programs are compatible with windows Vista and what programs are not. I
do experience some slow down when I re install some of my older programs.

Kurt Knoll
You can check on Microsoft's Vista Compatibility List


It is nowhere near complete or that accurate, but a start at least.

Most older software will work with Vista. Some need to be run in XP
SP2 mode. Generally software that don't work with Vista interact
directly with hardware like DVD burners or older scanners, so you
almost always need an upgraded version of that kind of software.

For best results check to see if your software as been upgraded,
modified to run under Vista. You may need some patch or new drivers.

I have roughly 800 different applications that run under Vista, some
going back to Windows 3.1 era. You are correct some do seem to run
slower, but they do run. Others have some minor glitches like not
reading the help files or a few features not working as they did under

Unlike the idiot Frank claiming I can't get Vista to run, it runs,
just not always as it should, mainly because of Vista flaws, not any
hardware or software from other sources. The irony is the only real
problem I have with Vista is included Vista applets or applications
like Movie Maker, Photo Gallery and Windows Explorer.

Synapse Syndrome

Kurt Knoll said:
What programs are compatible with windows Vista and what programs are not.
I do experience some slow down when I re install some of my older

Would you really like us to make you a list of what programs are compatible
with windows Vista and what programs are not?


Richard Urban

Peoples time is worth a lot. I charge $85.00 per hour for my technical time.
Are you willing to pay someone to spend the many hours to compile this list
for you?

I didn't think so!



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)


Adam said:
Unlike the idiot Frank claiming I can't get Vista to run,

I'm not claiming anything you fool.
You're telling us it won't run correctly. Your words, not mine.
And of course, it's all MS's fault.
That is what you've constantly said.
Now you're denying you've ever said that when you've just now said it again?
You're dumber than door knob?
You're really and truly stupid and you blame your stupidity on everyone
You're the real village idiot!

Kurt Knoll

There are others that ask the same questions. some of my programs that work
on my Athelon will not install on my new Compaq Pressario PC.
Kurt Knoll

Adam Albright

I'm not claiming anything you fool.
You're telling us it won't run correctly. Your words, not mine.

Liar. I keep telling you that there is a KNOWN problem with how Vista
copies/moves/deletes files. Microsoft has released a hotfix
acknowledging this is a real issue. Countless thousands of others have
reported the same issue. You keep denying it is a problem and pretend
I don't know how to install Vista having hundreds of times said I
can't get Vista to run correctly due to something I've done. That is
deliberate lying on your part.
And of course, it's all MS's fault.

Well doofus, Microsoft wrote Vista, who else would you hold
responsible when they ADMIT it has problems?
That is what you've constantly said.
Now you're denying you've ever said that when you've just now said it again?

Stop you fu*king lying Frank. Everyone is sick of your constant lies.


Adam said:

Oh, you never said that? You're the liar!

I keep telling you that there is a KNOWN problem with how Vista
copies/moves/deletes files.

I keep telling you that doing an in place upgrade install over XP is for
dummies...maybe like you...now either resolve your issues by doing a
clean install or live with it an STFU!
But stop your incessant whining as*hole!

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