What makes the cursor jump all over the place?


Brad Feldstein

I upgraded from Windows XP MCE to Windows Vista Home Premium. Now my cursor
jumps all over the place. I downloaded compatible drivers, but still
doesn't help. Any suggestions as to a fix? Thanks.

Mark \(MCP\)

If using a wireless mouse, check the batteries. I use a Microsoft USB
wireless mouse and when the batteries run low, this causes the mouse pointer
to act erratic.


In message <[email protected]> "Brad
Feldstein said:
I upgraded from Windows XP MCE to Windows Vista Home Premium. Now my cursor
jumps all over the place. I downloaded compatible drivers, but still
doesn't help. Any suggestions as to a fix? Thanks.

Stupid question, but is it jumping to "OK" buttons on dialogs when
dialogs open?

Richard in AZ

DevilsPGD said:
In message <[email protected]> "Brad

Stupid question, but is it jumping to "OK" buttons on dialogs when
dialogs open?

Go to the mouse control in the Control Panel.
Uncheck the options to "automatically move pointer to default button"


I bought a new laptop with Vista (32) on it. No matter if I use the build-in
touchpad or a USB-mouse (non-wireless), I get the same problem as Brad when
working with Office 2007, Windows Mail and even with html-forms like this
one. The cursor will arbitrarily jump to another place in the sentence, and
sometimes to another form field too.

This is ver yannoying, so I'd appriciate any helpful comments too.


In message <[email protected]> mads_bs
I bought a new laptop with Vista (32) on it. No matter if I use the build-in
touchpad or a USB-mouse (non-wireless), I get the same problem as Brad when
working with Office 2007, Windows Mail and even with html-forms like this
one. The cursor will arbitrarily jump to another place in the sentence, and
sometimes to another form field too.

This is ver yannoying, so I'd appriciate any helpful comments too.

Could you be bumping your touchpad? One of my laptops is *extremely*
sensitive by default -- In the factory installed XP, it used the
Synaptics drivers' "PalmCheck" feature to tone down the sensitivity


Nope - the problem persists, even when I make all efforts to avoid the
touchpad. But I'll definately try out an updated Synaptics driver, since I
cannot find a dedicated driver for the touchpad - seems to work on the PS/2
mouse driver (how can this be true?)


In message <[email protected]> mads_bs
Nope - the problem persists, even when I make all efforts to avoid the
touchpad. But I'll definately try out an updated Synaptics driver, since I
cannot find a dedicated driver for the touchpad - seems to work on the PS/2
mouse driver (how can this be true?)

It's easier to wire the touchpad to the chipset's existing PS/2 ports
then to sacrifice one of the external USB ports and/or add an additional
USB chip or hub.


I figured out what is making the mouse cursor jump so much. If you brush the
touchpad in two different spots in close succession (timewise) the cursor
leaps from one point to another following the vector between the first and
second point, so the trick is to guard against this. Hope this helps you out
there who posted jumpy cursor issues.


not using wireless...any other suggestions...much worse today...tried
everything...just try to catch the mouse in the control panel....not
possible! Problem only occurs when cursor on internet page or email. Pointer
off the page...not a problem. Help!


Have you tried lowering the sensetivity in the touchpad control software, i
did this and it has worked a dream since. I am also using a Synaptics pad.


same problem...how do you get the downloads...seems email attachments with
animation trigger the agitated scrolling...I've visited logitech for
product...optical mouse USB...but no downloads available for Vista


afraid to load anything other than Vista...one helluva mess last night...lost
the mouse completely...what a headache....mouse will only connect to the
front USB port....then my keyboard wouldn't work....why isn't the software
company answering our questions...why do we have to rely on others to solve
our problems....up to here ^ with vista


sounds more like a hardware issue to me boss... doesnt seem to be enough
power to usb could require a new psu or it could be an issue with the mouse.
have you tried another usb mouse?


this is a glitch in vista. even if you type one key at a time it will still
jump. microsoft is aware but has not provided a patch to fix the problem. It
is horrible because you spend lots of money on a computer only to find out
there are numerous problems with it and you only have a year warranty unless
you fork over more money. P .S. IF ANYONE IS USING MCAFEE WITH VISTA you
better unistall it or it will delete you internet explorer exe file.


Same problem, using brand new Dell Inspiron 6400, Vista Home Premium, only
mousepad, and only in Outlook 2003, mouse jumps erratically from busy to idle
so fast, continuously, makes cursor unusable.


I am having the same problem when I am typing the cursor moves to another
place in the paragraph or on the page. It just now did it. I have disabled
the Synaptics touch pad and have updated my Logitech MX Laser driver. I have
a Satellite P205-S6237 with Vista Premium. I recently tried a HP Vista
Laptop and never had this problem. I seem to recall having this problem
several years ago but cannot find any references. I have not found the
disable option on the Satellite, I just uninstalled it. It has happen three
or four times while typing this. I am keeping my hands off of the touchpad
and set the mouse aside so it is not moving.


In my case the cursor issue only and almost continuously occured in MS
OUtlook (as soon as the mouse hovered over the Outlook window without any
clicking or window activation necessary).

The "fix" on my Dell Insp. 6400 was to remove the Outlook addin for the
email antivirus scan. This removed any of the eratic cursor behavior and
all's good. Except of course for being able to virus scan emails.


Nat - did you find a solution? Your description sounds exactly like my
problem. I've disabled the touchpad on my Dell laptop and that has helped
some - I'm using a wireless Microsoft Optical Mouse. I read on the MS
Knowledge Base somewhere that there's a "known" pointer problem with Vista
and there's a "hot fix" - I just can't figure out how to get it!
Keep me posted....

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