What is worng with my formula?




EUREKA !! (excuse the shouting)

Stupid is as stupid does. Made everything absolute Col / relative Row (was
doing this incorectly). Highlights two colors and Sorts perfectly. Could
have never done this without your help. As an aside I am 76 years old and
trying to teach myself Excel. All the things I do is for other people,
groups, so sometimes I get myself in over my head. Again, Thanks so much!

Would love to see the "worksheet" you refered to.

email: (e-mail address removed)


Ron Rosenfeld


EUREKA !! (excuse the shouting)

Stupid is as stupid does. Made everything absolute Col / relative Row (was
doing this incorectly). Highlights two colors and Sorts perfectly. Could
have never done this without your help. As an aside I am 76 years old and
trying to teach myself Excel. All the things I do is for other people,
groups, so sometimes I get myself in over my head. Again, Thanks so much!

Would love to see the "worksheet" you refered to.


Glad to help. For me, too, sometimes I have those Eureka moments :)) I hope
I'm as active at your age as you seem to be (and I don't have that many more
years to go).

I sent the worksheet a few hours ago, but it was just a very simple demo of
what you've already figured out. So no harm if it got lost in cyberspace.

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