What is the SPAM Policy of these groups?


Peter Olcott

I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get the maximum
exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS Windows programming
groups. How can I best promote this new software for maximum exposure without
violating any SPAM policies?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in
general, from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product
advertisements are STRONGLY discouraged.

Tom Serface

There are various opinions and no specific policy that I know of. If a
message is totally irrelevant MSFT reserves the right to weed it out so your
message may not last forever. I think if the product would be of interest
to users of particular forums it makes sense to "announce" it here. You
might want to put ANN: in your subject. However, I would not cross post as
that usually irritates someone so you may just want to post it individually
to relevant forums. Posting a link to how to find out more info is always
useful as well.

I often respond to questions with links to relevant products or articles and
I just figure this is a great way of pointing each other in various

If your product claims to give me bigger breasts or make me a fortune from a
penny I think you should refrain from posting.



Peter Olcott

What is the best way to accomplish the result of promoting new relevant software
in these groups without violating netiquette?

Nicholas Paldino said:
Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in general,
from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product advertisements are
STRONGLY discouraged.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Peter Olcott said:
I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get the
maximum exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS Windows
programming groups. How can I best promote this new software for maximum
exposure without violating any SPAM policies?


Ajay Kalra

This group is essentially unmonitored and so anyone is free to post
whatever you want. But this is not a group to advertise a product. In
fact, you may turn people off.

Come to think of it, I havent see the Love Potion post for a while now.

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

Don't post it in the groups to begin with.

Promote with your own website for the product, spend money on google ad
words, etc, etc.

The purpose of these (MS) groups is to promote the exchange of knowledge
on particular topics, not to make you money.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Peter Olcott said:
What is the best way to accomplish the result of promoting new relevant
software in these groups without violating netiquette?

Nicholas Paldino said:
Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in
general, from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product
advertisements are STRONGLY discouraged.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Peter Olcott said:
I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get the
maximum exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS Windows
programming groups. How can I best promote this new software for maximum
exposure without violating any SPAM policies?


Peter Olcott

That's great, that is the kind of thing that I was hoping for. The main thing
that I am looking for through this means of promotion is really good hits from
Google Groups keyword search. So I could concisely announce the new product and
provide a link for more info. I would suppose then that announcing major
upgrades to this product would also be reasonable. Another poster suggested
hanging out in the relevant groups and having a concise signature line promote
the product.

Peter Olcott

Nicholas Paldino said:
Don't post it in the groups to begin with.

Promote with your own website for the product, spend money on google ad
words, etc, etc.

The purpose of these (MS) groups is to promote the exchange of knowledge on
particular topics, not to make you money.

It provides a unique benefit that would be of great interest to MS Windows
Another poster suggested that making an announcement would be reasonable. I am
tending to agree with this other poster.

I already have Google adwords in my plans. For unique products such as mine you
can buy some very relevant keyword combinations for a nickel per click. This
price can go down to one cent per click as you gain a percentage of clicks per
impression greater than one percent. This is essentially the total cost of the
- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Peter Olcott said:
What is the best way to accomplish the result of promoting new relevant
software in these groups without violating netiquette?

Nicholas Paldino said:
Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in general,
from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product advertisements are
STRONGLY discouraged.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get the
maximum exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS Windows
programming groups. How can I best promote this new software for maximum
exposure without violating any SPAM policies?


Kevin Spencer

Sorry to have dropped in on this thread late, and forgive me if I'm
repeating something, but the half-dozen posts I've seen don't mention the
obvious: Your signature line. As long as it isn't (long, that is), you can
put just about anything you want in there, barring obscenity. When I was an
independent consultant, I used to use a little blurb including a link to my
web site. Thankfully now, I don't have to do that, and I can have fun with


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
You can lead a fish to a bicycle,
but it takes a very long time,
and the bicycle has to *want* to change.

Anders Borum

You are already starting to advertize .. I think subte announcements are OK,
as long as the subject is prefixed with the "ANN:" string.

Mark Randall

You answered it yourself.


Therefore bad.

Include a comment in your signature about it unless you have one hell of a
product that a large number of people already use and you are giving an
important notice about it.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Is this the same software with the 100 lines method?

Peter Olcott said:
Nicholas Paldino said:
Don't post it in the groups to begin with.

Promote with your own website for the product, spend money on google
ad words, etc, etc.

The purpose of these (MS) groups is to promote the exchange of
knowledge on particular topics, not to make you money.

It provides a unique benefit that would be of great interest to MS Windows
Another poster suggested that making an announcement would be reasonable.
I am tending to agree with this other poster.

I already have Google adwords in my plans. For unique products such as
mine you can buy some very relevant keyword combinations for a nickel per
click. This price can go down to one cent per click as you gain a
percentage of clicks per impression greater than one percent. This is
essentially the total cost of the ad.
- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Peter Olcott said:
What is the best way to accomplish the result of promoting new relevant
software in these groups without violating netiquette?

in message Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in
general, from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product
advertisements are STRONGLY discouraged.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get the
maximum exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS Windows
programming groups. How can I best promote this new software for
maximum exposure without violating any SPAM policies?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

Don't feed the trolls!!!

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Ignacio Machin ( .NET/ C# MVP ) said:

Is this the same software with the 100 lines method?

Peter Olcott said:
Nicholas Paldino said:
Don't post it in the groups to begin with.

Promote with your own website for the product, spend money on google
ad words, etc, etc.

The purpose of these (MS) groups is to promote the exchange of
knowledge on particular topics, not to make you money.

It provides a unique benefit that would be of great interest to MS
Windows developers.
Another poster suggested that making an announcement would be reasonable.
I am tending to agree with this other poster.

I already have Google adwords in my plans. For unique products such as
mine you can buy some very relevant keyword combinations for a nickel per
click. This price can go down to one cent per click as you gain a
percentage of clicks per impression greater than one percent. This is
essentially the total cost of the ad.
- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

What is the best way to accomplish the result of promoting new relevant
software in these groups without violating netiquette?

"Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]" <[email protected]>
wrote in message Personally, I don't think there is a general spam policy, but in
general, from what I have seen in most of the MS groups, product
advertisements are STRONGLY discouraged.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

I have a new software product that I need to promote. I want to get
the maximum exposure. This product is very relevant to all the MS
Windows programming groups. How can I best promote this new software
for maximum exposure without violating any SPAM policies?


Tom Serface

I'm not sure I'd consider what you're talking about to be "spam" in the
traditional sense. If you sent me an unsolicited email I would consider
that spam, but if it is something that is directly interesting to the users
of a forum and may help them with the jobs for a reasonable price I don't
see any problem with it and I actually like reading about products that are
relevant. I don't think that is technically spam. If it is then adding it
to your signature line wouldn't be much better in my opinion.

You will probably find some people who will complain, but overall if the
post in interesting I think it is worthwhile. For example, I went to the VS
2005 launch and right after posted a message about the benefits of updating
to VS 2005 and VC++ 2005 as I saw it. I know this is not exactly the same
thing since I don't make any $$$ from this, but it was something about a
product that I thought was useful information.

I would just post a short description and a link. No price, not
"advertising" type text, etc. Something like:

ANN: New Library Available

An update to Tom's GUI library is available! If interested go to
www.xxx.com for more info.


Peter Olcott

It provides totally unique functionality that has never been available before.
Because of this I would need to provide some elaboration. I was thinking along
the lines of two or three paragraphs. I will make sure to put ANN: in the
subject line. The initial product will be offered as a software component for MS
Windows developers.

Anthony Nystrom

Okay... I give up.... What is it???

Ready, set... --------------------------------> Google index!!!



P.S. Seriously what is it?

Anthony Nystrom

Hi, Okay I will try again....

What are you selling exactly... You say it is a very very very unique
component, please explain...


Anthony Nystrom

Peter Olcott

That will not be disclosed until the product is fully developed and the patent
The current schedule calls for this to occur sometime in the Summer of 2006.

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