What is a filename?



I have a question about terminology of filenames. Consider
a file "readme.txt". The file extension of "readme.txt" is
"txt". However, I am not sure whether the filename of this
file refers to "readme" or "readme.txt". Which one is
really the filename, "readme" or "readme.txt"?

If "readme.txt" is the filename, then what do you call the
"readme" part? If "readme" is the filename, then what do
you call the whole "readme.txt"?


Readme is the actual filename. The .txt, like you said, is the file
extension. This usually indicates what the file is. In your example,
Readme.txt, the .txt indicates that the file (Readme) is a text file and can
be open up with a text editor like Notepad. There are many extensions and
each one of them corresponds to different things. For example, .exe files
are excutable files and they generally install stuff in your computer when
you double click on them.
I dunno if I answered your question correctly but that was the best I could
explain it. The whole "readme.txt" is just called a file or filename. I hope
it doesn't confuse you too much.


Eric said:
I have a question about terminology of filenames. Consider
a file "readme.txt". The file extension of "readme.txt" is
"txt". However, I am not sure whether the filename of this
file refers to "readme" or "readme.txt". Which one is
really the filename, "readme" or "readme.txt"?

If "readme.txt" is the filename, then what do you call the
"readme" part? If "readme" is the filename, then what do
you call the whole "readme.txt"?

Going back to the CP/M days (The precursor to MS-DOS) then "readme" was the
filename and "txt" was the "Secondary filename."
"Extents" were actually the second and subsequent directory entries used to
track the file location within the FAT (File Allocation Table.)
The term "Secondary filename" soon fell out of favour, and the term "extent"
superseded it.

Regardless of any attempt to "officially" define the term, different people
use "filename" to mean different things and arguing the precise definition
is likely to promote a religious war.

It can mean "d:\pathname\filename.ext" or "pathname\filename.ext" or
"filename.ext" or "filename" depending on context, although in batch usage,
"d:" is the "drive letter" "\pathname\" is the "path", "filename" is the
"file name" and ".ext" is the extension. "d:\pathname\filename.ext" is the
"fully qualified pathname."

....but even here, "path" has a special meaning to batch, unrelated to the
"portion of a fully qualified pathname" but the sequence of directories (or
"folders" in Microsoftnewspeak) which the system searches to find an
executable should it receive a request to run a "filename."



Kerry Brown

Kyuzo said:
Readme is the actual filename. The .txt, like you said, is the file
extension. This usually indicates what the file is. In your example,
Readme.txt, the .txt indicates that the file (Readme) is a text file
and can be open up with a text editor like Notepad. There are many
extensions and each one of them corresponds to different things. For
example, .exe files are excutable files and they generally install
stuff in your computer when you double click on them.
I dunno if I answered your question correctly but that was the best I
could explain it. The whole "readme.txt" is just called a file or
filename. I hope it doesn't confuse you too much.

Then what about read.this.its.a.text.file a perfectly legal file name in
many operating systems? My understanding is that readme.txt is the filename.
Windows and some other OS' and programs look for and use anything after the
last period in the file name to try and determine what type of file it is.
Some OS' store this information with the file and don't use "extensions".


Ken Blake, MVP

Eric said:
I have a question about terminology of filenames. Consider
a file "readme.txt". The file extension of "readme.txt" is
"txt". However, I am not sure whether the filename of this
file refers to "readme" or "readme.txt". Which one is
really the filename, "readme" or "readme.txt"?

You will find the term "filename" widely used in both those ways, sometimes
even by the same person. If you were in a situation where the difference is
important, I would be wary about making any assumptions at all about what
the author means. Usually the context makes it clear which is meant.


Why you gotta make things so complicated? I just wanted to answer the OP's
question so he can have an idea of what to look for.


Thank you very much for your comments, Kyuzo, PA,
billious, Kerry, and Ken. By reading all the comments so
far, I have got an impression that this issue is

By the way, no one has answered to my last question:

I have found the answer in MSDN Library for Windows

According to this article, "readme" would be the "base
file name", while "readme.txt" would be the file name.
Other articles in this library use the term "base file
name", too. Because this library is published by
Microsoft and is addressed to developers, I feel that this
definition is somewhat official within Windows community.

Nevertheless, I will be wary about making any assumptions,
following Ken's advice. Thanks, again everyone.


Ken Blake, MVP

Eric said:
Thank you very much for your comments, Kyuzo, PA,
billious, Kerry, and Ken.

You're welcome. Glad to help.

By reading all the comments so
far, I have got an impression that this issue is

By the way, no one has answered to my last question:

*I* would call it the "filename." I know of no other term for that part of
the name.

I have found the answer in MSDN Library for Windows

According to this article, "readme" would be the "base
file name", while "readme.txt" would be the file name.
Other articles in this library use the term "base file
name", too. Because this library is published by
Microsoft and is addressed to developers, I feel that this
definition is somewhat official within Windows community.

Maybe, but I have to say that I've never seen or heard the term "base
filename." It may be "official"--I don't know-- but nevertheless its use is
rare. Here too, I would be wary of assuming that this term is in common use
and that it will be understood. In fact, I don't recommend using the term at
all, unless you define it where you use it.

Kerry Brown

Eric said:
Thank you very much for your comments, Kyuzo, PA,
billious, Kerry, and Ken. By reading all the comments so
far, I have got an impression that this issue is

Your welcome. I wouldn't say it is controversial. The confusion comes in
because many people have only used Windows and never used other operating
By the way, no one has answered to my last question:

I have found the answer in MSDN Library for Windows

According to this article, "readme" would be the "base
file name", while "readme.txt" would be the file name.
Other articles in this library use the term "base file
name", too. Because this library is published by
Microsoft and is addressed to developers, I feel that this
definition is somewhat official within Windows community.

You are correct. That is the official Microsoft terminology. It may not be
correct for other operating systems.
Nevertheless, I will be wary about making any assumptions,
following Ken's advice. Thanks, again everyone.

It was an interesting question.



Your welcome Eric.

Eric said:
Thank you very much for your comments, Kyuzo, PA,
billious, Kerry, and Ken. By reading all the comments so
far, I have got an impression that this issue is

By the way, no one has answered to my last question:

I have found the answer in MSDN Library for Windows

According to this article, "readme" would be the "base
file name", while "readme.txt" would be the file name.
Other articles in this library use the term "base file
name", too. Because this library is published by
Microsoft and is addressed to developers, I feel that this
definition is somewhat official within Windows community.

Nevertheless, I will be wary about making any assumptions,
following Ken's advice. Thanks, again everyone.


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