What happened to the NetPerSec utility program?



Hi group:

In my older PCs and laptop, I used a program called NetPerSec to
monitor incoming and outgoing communications between the computer the
the cable modem.

I looked for that program on various Internet download sites and it
seems to have disappeared.

Is there a similar program available that sits in the system tray and
monitors Internet incoming and outgoing Internet activity?

Al Gershen
Grants Pass, OR
(e-mail address removed)


gassyal said:
Hi group:

In my older PCs and laptop, I used a program called NetPerSec to
monitor incoming and outgoing communications between the computer the
the cable modem.

I looked for that program on various Internet download sites and it
seems to have disappeared.

Is there a similar program available that sits in the system tray and
monitors Internet incoming and outgoing Internet activity?

Al Gershen
Grants Pass, OR
(e-mail address removed)

Google is your friend!


Richard Urban

PCMagazine web site. It's their program.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Hi Jerry and Richard Urban:

I just visited the PC Magazine website and did a search for NetPerSec
and the results came up empty.

I do have the program running in my old HP Pavilion 8250 running
Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 98SE and the program's About tab says:


Version: 1.1
Copyright 2000 Ziff-Davis Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved
First published in PC Magazine, US Edition, January 16, 2001
Written by Mark Sweeney


I did a Google Search on "Mark Sweeney and NetPerSec" and I came up
with a webpage with an article about the program and a link to download
the program.

The URL is:


Thanks for all your assistance in this matter.

Al Gershen
Grants Pass, OR
(e-mail address removed)

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