What does this meassage mean?




When I plug my Lexar Flash Card Reader into one of my USB ports, a small
icon in the bottom of my desktop read: "Safely remove Hardware"

What does that mean? It never said that before.

And no, I am not getting correct downloading from the card to my computer.
Lexar said to re-format my cards ... dis that didn't help.

I tried un-installing the current driver; re-installing the one Windows
supplies, which always worked fine anyhow .... still am having problems ...
intermittent loading .. or no loading at all .. or even system crash ...

Device Manager tells me the hardware is working fine ... ?

Thanks for any suggestions.


Yves Alarie

Safely remove hardware is fine. You can just ignore this.
This is a card you are using in a digital camera?
If so format the card with your digital camera, not from your computer.
If you get intermittent problems, check that the USB connection is good.
These connection can go bad, try another USB port on your computer and see
if this makes a difference.


Thanks for that;

Yes, it's a digital camera card, I do format it in the camera; I have tried
other USB ports in the computer, even unplugging one device (printer) though
it's hardly ever on ...

Another message in a different thread suggested that Real Playey 10.x is
said to be the culprit with messing up flash card dumps. So, went ahead and
un-installed that program ...

Oops, hmm, that didn't improve the situation ... guess that's good and bad
news ... I will go back and re-install RP 10.x .. I do need it ...

Do you suppose the reader might be the problem? curious though, but it did
work okay yesterday ,,, but that was after I completed an major overhaul
reinstalling windows and debugging my system ... geez, don't want to go
through that all over again ...

Thanks for any additional thoughts!


Yves Alarie

Connect the card reader with the memory card in it and make sure you have
pictures on this card (you make sure of this by reading the card in your
camera and displaying them on the LCD of the camera.
After you connect the card reader, wait 15 seconds or so for XP to recognize
it. Then Open My Computer and look under Devices with removable storage.
Your camera should be listed there with a drive letter.
Is this happening?
Or connect the card reader without a card in it. Wait 15 seconds. Then
insert the card with photos on it.
Open My Computer and look under Devices with removable storage. Your camera
should be listed there.
Is this happening?


Okay, here's an info update; hope this helps to pinpoint the issue:

You wrote:

"Connect the card reader with the memory card in it and make sure you have
pictures on this card (you make sure of this by reading the card in your
camera and displaying them on the LCD of the camera. After you connect the
card reader, wait 15 seconds or so for XP to recognize it. Then Open My
Computer and look under Devices with removable storage. Your camera should be
listed there with a drive letter. Is this happening?"

You wrote:

"Or connect the card reader without a card in it. Wait 15 seconds. Then
insert the card with photos on it. Open My Computer and look under Devices
with removable storage. Your camera should be listed there.
Is this happening?"

But what's weird, is that if I keep removing and inserting the card, I get
closer and closer to having my system read (some of) it ... but again it's
intermittant .. it used to always be this smooth operatiob, just plug it in
read it and download, done in a couple of minutes.

Thanks, hope this info sheds some light on it.

I haven't restored RealPlayer 10,x yet.


Connect the card reader with the memory card in it and make sure you have

Yves Alarie

Nothing worst than an intermittent problem.
I would try the card in another computer or try another card. Or if you were
able to download the photos from this card, format the card in your camera,
take a few pictures and try it again.

RealPlayer 10 interferes only if you want the Autoplay window to open, not
with recognition of your card as a drive.

Michael said:
Okay, here's an info update; hope this helps to pinpoint the issue:

You wrote:

"Connect the card reader with the memory card in it and make sure you have
pictures on this card (you make sure of this by reading the card in your
camera and displaying them on the LCD of the camera. After you connect the
card reader, wait 15 seconds or so for XP to recognize it. Then Open My
Computer and look under Devices with removable storage. Your camera should be
listed there with a drive letter. Is this happening?"
blank ... if I remove the flash card, then the screen finally completes its
information .. about various drives, and yes, it shows my card reader as F:
You wrote:

"Or connect the card reader without a card in it. Wait 15 seconds. Then
insert the card with photos on it. Open My Computer and look under Devices
with removable storage. Your camera should be listed there.
Is this happening?"
anything are indicated; but if I then pull out the card, suddenly all my
drive info appears.


Michael it seems to me there's something wrong with the card. The symptoms
you describe point to that. Have you tried leaving the card in the camera and
plugging the camera in the computer? If that doesn't work either, I'd try
another card and make sure you format it in your camera.

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