What does 5 users mean?



Windows XP Pro says it handles only up to 5 users. What's this mean? Does
this mean there can only be up to 5 login names [the square buttons] on the
bright blue screen when I power up.like Bill, Jane, Mary, Joe, Sam? (By the
way, I thought Microsoft called those "account" logins, not users.) Or does
"5 users" have to do with the number of PC's (users) that can be connected
in a local area network. Or does it mean something else.

Steve C. Ray

Neither, I think. Home is limited to five users at a time on a network, Pro
is ten. Is this what you are referring to?


Thanks Steve, yes I think that's it but I thought it was the HOME is limited
to 5 users and PRO is much larger.

Also, when you say only X numbers on a network at any given time, how's that
work. For instance, If I have a router and hub with let's say 15 ports,
can't "everyone" be on their PC and on the network and viewing other file
folders on peer's PC's and so forth.

Thanks for any light you can shed on this...

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