What do I need to upgrade from Home edition to professional?



My DELL came with the Home Edition of XP installed on it, and I'd like to upgrade to the Profressional Edition. What do I need to do this? Can it be done without wiping out all the data and programs I already have one the machine? How hard is this to do?

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

You need to purchase the WinXP Pro Upgrade.

WinXP is designed to install and upgrade the existing operating
system while simultaneously preserving your applications and data, and
translating as many personalized settings as possible. The process is
designed to be, and normally is, quite painless. That said, things
can go wrong, in a small number of cases. If your data is at all
important to you, back it up before proceeding.

The upgrade from WinXP Home to WinXP Pro, in particular, should go
smoothly, as both operating systems use the same kernel.

Bruce Chambers

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