What can Content Management Server do?


Sunil Menon

Dear All,
I stumbled upon an article on "Content Management Server"...but
got a bit confused...i would like to know if "Content Management
Server" can..
1. Show me a Word Document in a browser without having Word on the
client machine and only on the Server?
2. If Yes....can the user edit and save the Word document?
3. What are the document types supported by CMS?

Where can I find samples regarding CMS?

Thanks & Regards

Mike Moore [MSFT]

Hi Sunil,

I'm not an expert in this area, but I found a series of articles which may
help you. Please start with

Regarding Word and other Office documents. No, you will not be able to
display them reliably without having them installed on the client. Here is
257757 INFO: Considerations for Server-Side Automation of Office

I hope this helps.

Thank you, Mike
Microsoft, ASP.NET Support Professional

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