weird toolbar i made by accident....


- T00LF00L -

when i was cleaning my mouse i accidentally clicked the buttons and created
a white toolbar docked on the left side of the screen for my cdrw drive. i
know it was a toolbar cause to get rid of it i right-clicked on it and the
list had 'toolbar' on it, and when i unchecked it it disappeared!
question - what did i do?! seemed like a cool feature i stumbled upon and
i can't re-create it. anyone know what i did?!

Kent W. England [MVP]

Right-click a blank spot on your toolbar and select "Toolbars", "New

Kent W. England [MVP]

You accidentally moved it there. You can drag it back down to the bottom
if it is unlocked.

- T00LF00L -

ok i got it! i can't believe i somehow did this by accident, but i am
seeing many new desktop options available to me now i never knew i could do!
thank you very much!

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