Weird problem switching from debug to release mode.....


genc ymeri

I'm experiencing something very weird when I switch from Debug to Release
and vice versa. Everything was working fine under Debug mode and then I
made a Release compilation. Now if I go back to "Debug" mode will not
compile showing the error message. If I switch back in "Release" mode it
will compile just fine.

Any idea how to fix this ? What is AxMicrosoft ???

Thank you in advance.

C:\PROJECTS\MyProject\frmMain.cs(1259): The type or namespace name
'AxMicrosoft' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]


Just close and re-open the solution. If this doesn't help, shut down and
re-start the IDE.

genc ymeri

I have done this several time......It has been one week+ I can't debug my

I'm really stuck while I'm in the final stage of my C# demo project.

Any help it will be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Dmitriy Lapshin said:

Just close and re-open the solution. If this doesn't help, shut down and
re-start the IDE.

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]
X-Unity Test Studio
Bring the power of unit testing to VS .NET IDE

genc ymeri said:
I'm experiencing something very weird when I switch from Debug to Release
and vice versa. Everything was working fine under Debug mode and then I
made a Release compilation. Now if I go back to "Debug" mode will not
compile showing the error message. If I switch back in "Release" mode it
will compile just fine.

Any idea how to fix this ? What is AxMicrosoft ???

Thank you in advance.

C:\PROJECTS\MyProject\frmMain.cs(1259): The type or namespace name
'AxMicrosoft' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)

Andrey Zvyagilskiy[MSFT]

What code is in line frmMain.cs(1259)? You probably using some Office
ActiveX control and somehow it is missing for debug build. You can try to
remove and add it again to project references.

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