Weird behavior


Martin Racette


I have created a database of all the DVDs that I own, everything works fine
except for a form. In that form I ahve the information about the actors, the
list of the actors is a dropdown, which is setup to create a filter i.e. show
directly the name that I chose, but when I open the form I get the information
for the first actor, but not the name.

Is it possible to make the name of the first actor to appear ?

Thank you in Advance

Merci a l'Avance


Dirk Goldgar

Martin Racette said:

I have created a database of all the DVDs that I own, everything
works fine except for a form. In that form I ahve the information
about the actors, the list of the actors is a dropdown, which is
setup to create a filter i.e. show directly the name that I chose,
but when I open the form I get the information for the first actor,
but not the name.

Is it possible to make the name of the first actor to appear ?

I imagine that the combo box is unbound, as it should be to allow you to
navigate or filter the form to the selected record. If you don't have
any other control on the form, such as a text box, to show the ActorName
field from the current record, then you'll need either to add such a
control, or use the form's Current event to set the value of the combo
box to match the current record.

The exact code to do this will depend on the following properties of the
combo box, so please post them:

Row Source
Bound Column

If the Row Source property is a query, please post the SQL of the query.
If it's a table, please post the name and data type of the table field
that is the combo box's bound column.

Also please post the Record Source of the form. If it's a query, please
post the SQL; if a table, please post the list of fields and their

Martin Racette

Here is the information requested

Name : ActorName
Row Source : SELECT Actor.ActorID, Actor.Name FROM Actor ORDER BY [Name];
Bound Column : 1

The form itself is based on a table:
ActorID = AutoNumber
Name = Text
Gender = Text
Birthdate = Date/Time
Bio = Memo

The combo as you already expected it is unbound and is link to a macro which do
the filtering:
Name = Actorlisting
Condition = [Forms]![Listing of Actor]![ActorName]
Action = ApplyFilter

Thank you in Advance

Merci a l'Avance


Dirk Goldgar

Martin Racette said:
Here is the information requested

Name : ActorName
Row Source : SELECT Actor.ActorID, Actor.Name FROM Actor ORDER BY
[Name]; Bound Column : 1

The form itself is based on a table:
ActorID = AutoNumber
Name = Text
Gender = Text
Birthdate = Date/Time
Bio = Memo

The combo as you already expected it is unbound and is link to a
macro which do the filtering:
Name = Actorlisting
Condition = [Forms]![Listing of Actor]![ActorName]
Action = ApplyFilter

Dirk Goldgar said:
I imagine that the combo box is unbound, as it should be to allow
you to navigate or filter the form to the selected record. If you
don't have
any other control on the form, such as a text box, to show the
ActorName field from the current record, then you'll need either to
add such a control, or use the form's Current event to set the value
of the combo
box to match the current record.

The exact code to do this will depend on the following properties of
the combo box, so please post them:

Row Source
Bound Column

If the Row Source property is a query, please post the SQL of the
If it's a table, please post the name and data type of the table
that is the combo box's bound column.

Also please post the Record Source of the form. If it's a query,
please post the SQL; if a table, please post the list of fields and

I see you are using a macro to apply the filter. Since I am more
conversant with VBA than with macros, I'll suggest a VBA procedure,
rather than a macro, for your form's Current event. If you don't want
to use VBA, or if you aren't sure how to implement it, please let me
know and I'll work out the macro equivalent.

On the Event tab of the form's property sheet, set the On Current line

[Event Procedure]

Then click the "build" button (captioned "...") at the end of the line.
That will create and display the shell of an event procedure that will
look like this:

Private Sub Form_Current()

End Sub

Fill in the shell so that it looks like this:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Me!ActorName = Me.ActorID

End Sub

That should do it. I'm a little concerned about one thing, though. If
you don't have a text box on your form that is bound to the field
Actor.Name, how are you going to add new actors?

Martin Racette

This form is only to see the actor information and nothing else, I can also make
change to the data itself but not the actor name, which is added in the form
where I add my new DVD movies

Thank you in Advance

Merci a l'Avance

Dirk Goldgar said:
Martin Racette said:
Here is the information requested

Name : ActorName
Row Source : SELECT Actor.ActorID, Actor.Name FROM Actor ORDER BY
[Name]; Bound Column : 1

The form itself is based on a table:
ActorID = AutoNumber
Name = Text
Gender = Text
Birthdate = Date/Time
Bio = Memo

The combo as you already expected it is unbound and is link to a
macro which do the filtering:
Name = Actorlisting
Condition = [Forms]![Listing of Actor]![ActorName]
Action = ApplyFilter

Dirk Goldgar said:

I have created a database of all the DVDs that I own, everything
works fine except for a form. In that form I ahve the information
about the actors, the list of the actors is a dropdown, which is
setup to create a filter i.e. show directly the name that I chose,
but when I open the form I get the information for the first actor,
but not the name.

Is it possible to make the name of the first actor to appear ?

I imagine that the combo box is unbound, as it should be to allow
you to navigate or filter the form to the selected record. If you
don't have
any other control on the form, such as a text box, to show the
ActorName field from the current record, then you'll need either to
add such a control, or use the form's Current event to set the value
of the combo
box to match the current record.

The exact code to do this will depend on the following properties of
the combo box, so please post them:

Row Source
Bound Column

If the Row Source property is a query, please post the SQL of the
If it's a table, please post the name and data type of the table
that is the combo box's bound column.

Also please post the Record Source of the form. If it's a query,
please post the SQL; if a table, please post the list of fields and

I see you are using a macro to apply the filter. Since I am more
conversant with VBA than with macros, I'll suggest a VBA procedure,
rather than a macro, for your form's Current event. If you don't want
to use VBA, or if you aren't sure how to implement it, please let me
know and I'll work out the macro equivalent.

On the Event tab of the form's property sheet, set the On Current line

[Event Procedure]

Then click the "build" button (captioned "...") at the end of the line.
That will create and display the shell of an event procedure that will
look like this:

Private Sub Form_Current()

End Sub

Fill in the shell so that it looks like this:

Private Sub Form_Current()

Me!ActorName = Me.ActorID

End Sub

That should do it. I'm a little concerned about one thing, though. If
you don't have a text box on your form that is bound to the field
Actor.Name, how are you going to add new actors?

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)

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