Weeknum Add In doesn't load when launching Excel



I am using Excel XP and have a spreadsheet template in which in use
the WEEKNUM function. Via the Tools - Add-Ins menu I have placed a
checkmark for the "Analysis ToolPak" and "Analysis ToolPak - VBA"
Add-In. The formula says =IF(A11;WEEKNUM(A11;1);"") to determine the
week number, based on the date entered in cell A11. It works fine. So
far, so good. However, when I close Excel, restart it, open a new
document based upon the template and enter a (valid) date in cell A11,
the result of the formula is: #NAME?
Looking at the Add-Ins the checkmarks are still in place. When I
uncheck the two ToolPak Add-Ins and recheck them, the formula works
again. The cell with the formula is protected.
Does anyone know how to solve this?

Stephen Bye

Your template file contains an unknown name called 'WEEKNUM'.
Every time you load the file it will still be an unknown name.
Load the file, uncheck & check the add-ins so that the name is resolved.
Then save the template.
Now it contains a known name 'WEEKNUM' that refers to the analysis tool

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