Week Format



My report is group by week. The date format is
Currently, my report week start on a Monday.
For example, it groups and sum from jan 08 to jan 14 which is from Monday
to sunday.

I would like it to group and sum from Jan 6 to Jan 12 (from sat to Friday)
and the display the the Jan 12 (Friday) and not Jan 6 (Sat).


Marshall Barton

ashley said:
My report is group by week. The date format is
Currently, my report week start on a Monday.
For example, it groups and sum from jan 08 to jan 14 which is from Monday
to sunday.

I would like it to group and sum from Jan 6 to Jan 12 (from sat to Friday)
and the display the the Jan 12 (Friday) and not Jan 6 (Sat).

Try grouping on an expression like:

=Year([Date/Time]) & DatePart("ww",[Date/Time],7)

Then use a text box expression in the group header section:

=Format([Date/Time] +7 - DatePart("w", [Date/Time], 7),

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