Web Service error


Fresno Bob

Hi I have a web service that calls the Site Server 2008 web service
returning an error 'An operation on a socket could not be performed because
the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full ' This is the web service method.

Public Function Search(ByVal strSearchCriteria As String) As DataSet
Dim queryService As New SiteSearch.QueryService
queryService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Dim queryResults As System.Data.DataSet = queryService.QueryEx(qXMLString)
Return queryResults
End Function

Could it be something as simple as 'queryService.Dispose()' resolve this. As
this error takes quite a while to appear I won't be sure if just adding
'queryService.Dispose()' is actually solving it. I was wondering if anyone
else had had the problem.

Regards, Chris.

George Ter-Saakov

sounds like Dispose will help...

Ps: You MUST call Dispose for any object that implements IDisposable
interface when object goes out of scope.


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