Web Developer 2005 Express v. VS.NET 2003



Anyone know of a list of features lacking in Web Developer 2005 Express that
are already in VS.NET 2003? I realize they take a slightly different
approach due to the new ASP.NET 2.0, but I'm trying to envision the
compelling reasons why people will want to buy VS.NET 2005 with the
availability of Web Developer 2005 Express. I tend to avoid any and all
wizards, so I was just happy to see that Intellisense was included.

Thanks in advance.


Eric Cherng

In my perspective, it depends on what you usually develop applications for.
If you only do web development, then definitely consider the Web Express
edition in order to cut the cost of buying the product. However if you plan
on doing any other development (smart device, windows, console, dll library,
atl, ...), then that is when you consider buying the full Visual Studio
product. Typically enterprise (aka big businesses) developers need to
create applications that encompass all these technologies. That is the
target customer for the full Visual Studio product. This is my view on the
new product types.


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\) [MVP]

What version of Visual Studio .NET 2003?

Visual Studio is designed for full-tiered solutions. In other words, you set
up assemblies for each tier, data, business and even possibly UI. The
ASP.NET application (project) is simply UI, without any business or data
logic. Visual Web Developer 2005 Express does not cover the full spectrum,
as all of the code, for all layers, is in one project, unless you also use a
product like Visual Basic 2005 Express or Visual C# 2005 Express.

A compelling reason for Visual Studio 2005?
How about a few (or more):
1. Want the entire solution in one IDE (all tiers)
2. Want more full featured SQL data tools
3. Design Enterprise level software
4. Testing tools (Enterprise Architect)
5. SOA tools (Enterprise Architect)
6. Design tools (Enterprise Architect)
7. Visio (Enterprise Architect)
8. SourceSafe (ED and EA versions)

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


Great points. Thanks.

You included in your list the "5. SOA tools (Enterprise Architect)". Could
you elaborate on this a bit? Thanks again.


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