Web accelerators won't work with IE


Greg Hamilton

Has anyone experienced this. I've tried two internet
accelerator services. Neither will accelerate sites
accessed through IE 6 (or IE 5.5) on my desktop PC. I
downloaded Netscape - acceleration works fine with it.

Tech support for both services are unable to assist.

Any comments or suggestions?


H Leboeuf

These programs create a HOSTS file, and if the IP is not exactly the same
when your return to the sites you may get page not found etc...

It may be a HOSTS file problem.
Look also for a file named HOSTS (no extension, could be hidden) rename it

Greg Hamilton

Thank you for the suggestion. I found two files:
HOSTS.SAM and hosts (no file ext for 2nd file). I renamed
each - OLDHOSTS.SAM and oldhosts, but this did not solve
the problem.

If you or no one else has other ideas, perhaps I should
uninstall IE completely and then reinstall from scratch?



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