wdm capture and windows media encoder



firstly sory my bad English. I will try to explain my problem to you.
I install xp embedded with "LifeView FlyTV Prime 34" driver and windows
media encoder 9
on epia m10000 motherboard.
I run tv card driver with apcam software everything is ok it runing but
when I run windows media encoder tv card driver break down. I cant
found crossbar with any software. I want to use with composite video. I
try 3 different Tv card all of same problem.
I use this componenets:

Automatic Logon
Background Disk Defragmentation Disable
CMD - Windows Command Processor
English Language Support
Enhanced Write Filter
Epia and other drivers
EWF Manager Console application
Explorer shell
Windows Installer Service (for install WMencoder)
Analog Television Support
DirectX 9.0C

Any idea please.

Sean Liming \(eMVP\)

I am not 100% following the problem, but there was a problem with the M10000
BIOS and composite video. You might want to get the latest BIOS update and
XP Video driver update for the M10000.


Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
XP Embedded Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental


Thank for your answer
My m10000 bios is last version. maybe I need an other component about

Sean Liming (eMVP) yazdi:


Have you verify that you have all the file needed to capture. For our system
we use tv card (pctv, video only capture card bt878). Even you have all the
components some file are missing and are non present on xpe store (kstune).

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