WD won't scan-- Error messages



Hi all & thanks for you help in advance!!

Been running WD for a while without problems-- tried to run a scan and am
receiving an error message. Error:0x8050800c It prompts me to check for
updates--- there aren't any. Then tried uninstalling WD & am getting error
code 2330. Followed by a "Fatal error" during installation message.

Last couple of days, my computer has become somewhat unstable and sluggish.
Any ideas?? Thanks again!!


Hello Tash70,

The error may be was caused by a bad sector/index on the harddisk
So before scanning use chkdsk /f on all your drives to be sure these are ok!

If your system drive (the drive on which you have installed Windows) is
configured as a dynamic disk, rather than as a basic disk, we will fail to
load one of the registry hives during a scan, and the error code 0x8050800c
will be reported.

If you see this error, please verify whether or not your system drive is
configured as a basic or dynamic disk. You can do so by executing "start |
run | diskmgmt.msc" and then inspecting the value of the "Type" column for
your system drive in the list view.

If you see the error code 0x8050800c and your system drive is NOT configured
as a dynamic disk, please post a message in the newsgroups or send an
email to Mike Treit so he can investigate further.

mtreit @ microsoft.com
Please remove the spaces.

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.



Hello Engel,

Thank you for the additional diagnostic tools-- I did run chkdisk --- there
were files repaired and my system drive is configured as a basic disk not a
dynamic one.

Was able to finally run a full system scan on WD-- nothing harmful
identified. Should I try to uninstall again or assume that alls well----
Not that I care to assume. Thanks again for any assistance.

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