wd 200 gb problem


Bruce Banner

I have a brand new WD Caviar 200gb hard drive that i picked up at the Cogan
Computer fair this past weekend . I installed on my PC & went to the bios &
it read 200 gb . I put in my Windows Xp Cd & booted up to start installing
windows xp. when i was getting ready to format i noticed that my hardrive
was not even close to what i saw in the bios. It read only 131 gb ...so mad
as all hell i rebooted again went to the bios .....it read 200gb.....went
foward with the xp installation ..again 131 gb....so i finished installing
Windows & got all the updates (service pack 2). Opened up my computer icon
check the harddrive space & it reads 126 gb. Can anybody tell me why i'm
not getting a full reading of my hardisk? My Dads 200 gb reads 189gb....so
his is ok.


Have you looked in computer management to see if the remaining space is
shown? Mine did the same thing and in computer management I could see the
rest of my drive. I had a slightly older version of XPpro(I was told) and
it would only see 132Gb max. Right click My Computer icon ans go to manage.
Then click on disk mangement.

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