WCF Question when using ChannelFactory as part of a generic routine....


Kevin S. Goff

I may be trying to do something that can't be done (or "shouldn't" be
done), but here goes.

I'm trying to construct a generalized method for creating a client-side
factory channel using WCF. So that I can pass it any one of dozens of
interface contracts, and the method will pump out a proxy.

So essentially, I want to do this...

public T GetGeneralFactoryChannel<T>(T interfaceType)

Binding myBinding = new WSHttpBinding();
ChannelFactory<T> oChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(myBinding);
oChannelFactory.Endpoint.Address = new

T MyProxyChannel = oChannelFactory.CreateChannel();

return MyProxyChannel;

And then I can call it like so:

IMyContract MyContract;
MyContract = (IMyContract)GetGeneralFactoryChannel(typeof(IMyContract));

The problem is that I get errors when the code tries to create a channel
factory..."The type argument passed to the generic ChannelFactory class
must be an interface type".

I tried using MakeGenericType, but that didn't help.

So anyway, has anyone tried to do something similar? (using
ChannelFactory inside something generic, so that you could pass any
contract interface?)

I was hoping to avoid reflection or Activator.GetObject, but if that's
the only way to get this to work...

Feel free to suggest an alternate approach....


Kevin S. Goff

too much pizza tonight, must have killed my brain cells...figured it out...

public T GetGeneralFactoryChannel<T>()

Binding myBinding = new WSHttpBinding();
ChannelFactory<T> oChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(myBinding);
oChannelFactory.Endpoint.Address = new

T MyProxyChannel = oChannelFactory.CreateChannel();

return MyProxyChannel;

And then I can call it like so:

IMyContract MyContract;
MyContract = this.GetRemoteFactoryChannel<IUser>();

Thanks to the following blog!
