Way of making an object with a greater number be given a point....



Hi, I'm trying to produce a Sports League Table on Excel. Is there any
way that I can make Excel recognise that when a team scores more goals,
they are automatically given a win in the league table? For example, if
i have Team A 5 - 0 Team B, how do I make excel give 1 win to team A in
the league table? Please help me as i need it for my school work asap.
Thanks, it will be much appreciated.


the =IF formula will do it- =IF(A1>B1,1,0) with team A score in A1 and team
B score in B1, in the win column for team B, =if(B1>A1,1,0) and if there is a
tie, neither team will get a 1.


Thanks for th IF formula. Although, how would I make it work if, for
example i had 10 matches for team A versus team B?


I've tried adding 2 IF formulas in the same cell, but it doesn't work..
PLEASE help me as i need this for my ICT coursework...thanks in advance

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