"Wavy" and "Rolling" scrolling problems



I have a 2 month old Dell computer whose hard drives went bad and were
replaced. After reinstallation of Windows XP SP2 about 4 times by Dell, and
re-loading all my software,everything went in fine. However, before I
installed any software, I went on the web and noticed "wavy" scrolling, (like
if you were on a boat rolling over large waves of other boats), and as I went
to various websites and got deeper into each website, the "waves" were more
pronounced, causing a slowdown. I concluded that the problem is not in
Internet Explorer because it
happens on all my software, no matter what program I am in. In one of my
programs, the "waves" are so bad the mouse-pointer moves randomly around
the screen for a short time, without my hand controlling the mouse.
Besides the "waves", if I hold the mouse to move a window (to see another
window behind it), the one I move scrolls with multiple windows fanning
behind it, until placed where I want.
Dell does not know what the problem is as I have been communicating with
them 3 times a week! Can anyone help?
Thank you.

Sharon F

I have a 2 month old Dell computer whose hard drives went bad and were
replaced. After reinstallation of Windows XP SP2 about 4 times by Dell, and
re-loading all my software,everything went in fine. However, before I
installed any software, I went on the web and noticed "wavy" scrolling, (like
if you were on a boat rolling over large waves of other boats), and as I went
to various websites and got deeper into each website, the "waves" were more
pronounced, causing a slowdown. I concluded that the problem is not in
Internet Explorer because it
happens on all my software, no matter what program I am in. In one of my
programs, the "waves" are so bad the mouse-pointer moves randomly around
the screen for a short time, without my hand controlling the mouse.
Besides the "waves", if I hold the mouse to move a window (to see another
window behind it), the one I move scrolls with multiple windows fanning
behind it, until placed where I want.
Dell does not know what the problem is as I have been communicating with
them 3 times a week! Can anyone help?
Thank you.

There are settings for "smooth scrolling" in Internet Options> Advanced.
Another one can be found in System Properties> Advanced> Performance>
Visual Effect. Finally, the mouse and/or touchpad properties may have
additional settings regarding scrolling.

On a side note: With all of this reinstalling going on, did you remember to
reinstall your display drivers? Old, outdated drivers will give less
desirable results than newer and refined drivers.


Thanks Sharon; everything you suggested was already done. Drivers are all
new, installed again by Dell after I sent back my computer, and all the
settings are on "smooth scrolling". Nothing helps. Thanks for your reply.

Sharon Fink

Abbily said:
Thanks Sharon; everything you suggested was already done. Drivers are all
new, installed again by Dell after I sent back my computer, and all the
settings are on "smooth scrolling". Nothing helps. Thanks for your reply.

The problem most often is a setting that needs tweaking or a driver
issue. When you scroll through a document, the "smoothness" is created
by the screen redrawing quickly.

Some more thoughts for you:
-Back in system properties, Advanced, display: the default is "let
Windows decide." Try the "best performance" setting. This cuts back on
extra effects - maybe enough that the screen will redraw nicer for you.

-Try a different mouse or scrolling with the keyboard or other device.
If smooth with another device, you might consider replacing your current

-Search these groups for "wavy scrolling" one way to do this would be to
use Google Groups search. It's a common complaint after a reinstall but
what fixes it isn't the same thing for everyone and sometimes isn't a
setting that is obviously related to the problem. IOW, your search will
net you a collection of other ideas to try.


Hi Abbily,

Try taking a look at you (refresh rate) This can be down by right clicking
on the desk top and choosing >Properties>Settings>Advance>Montitor, at this
point you will see a drop down window with a number of settings. try a couple
settings. I run mine at 60 hertz. When you chnge these settings the system
will show yo what the change will look like and give you an oportunity to
choose of return to old rate.

I hope this helps you out,



thanks Weit; but it does not help. Nothing does! I have to keep banging on
Dell's doorstep, but am not getting any answers. Have a great day.


Goodmorning Abbily,

I dont know if you are using a laptop of a desktop but I have a suggestion.
I think a known good monitor swap out would be a good test. This can be done
with either type of pc. If you either have a monitor from an old pc or a
friend could loan you one for the test. If you have a desktop just swap it
out and see if the issue still occurs. If you are working with a laptop there
should be an external monitor connection on the back of your workstation.
Once you have this monitor connected you will want to hit the fn+f8 key. This
should toggle your monitor function from the laptop to your external.
Now if it turns out the known good monitor works you could have one of two
issues. First could be bad driver. Second could be and it would be the one I
would shoot for is a bad monitor or lcd display.
I have found Dell pretty easy to get replacement parts and the switch for an
lcd is really know trouble.
If you need anything else let me know. I will check here from time to time.

Take care,

Sharon F

Can you believe that Dell never installed any Video driver??

Yes, I can believe it which is why I suggested checking on the driver in my
first response.

Anyhow, I'm glad to see that you've finally resolved this. Your stomach and
eyes are probably glad that the wavy rolling stuff is gone too!

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