Warning text triggered by values of a cell range



I'm doing something wrong and can't figure it out. Can anybody help me?

Here’s what I want: If user enter value in cells A1 through A5, I want cell
A6 to return “Must be filled inâ€

Here’s the formula I put in A6: =IF(A1>0,"Must be filled in!","") and it
works, but only for one reference cell.

What I want is a range of cells (A1:A5). So I enter in A6: =IF(A1:A5>0,"Must
be filled in!",""). And I get a #VALUE! Error in A6.


Dave Peterson

=if(count(a1:a5)=5,"Must be filled in","")
if you enter numbers in a1:a5

=if(counta(a1:a5)=5,"Must be filled in","")
if you enter numbers or text in A1:A5

I would put the formula in B6, though and use a formula like:
=if(and(count(a1:a5)=5,a6=""),"A6 Must be filled in","")


It works! Thank You Dave for taking the time to help me, I appreciate it!
Merci Beaucoup!

Dave Peterson said:
=if(count(a1:a5)=5,"Must be filled in","")
if you enter numbers in a1:a5

=if(counta(a1:a5)=5,"Must be filled in","")
if you enter numbers or text in A1:A5

I would put the formula in B6, though and use a formula like:
=if(and(count(a1:a5)=5,a6=""),"A6 Must be filled in","")

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