Warning!! SP2 has stopped Windows Scheduled Tasks from operating on all of my computers at home and


John L.

The only way I could get Scheduled Tasks working again after SP2 was to go
into the control panel , open up each individual scheduled task, then
uncheck only if logged on. Then choose ok or apply. Then I had to recheck
run only if logged on. I had to do this with each and every scheduled task
listed to get them all to work again.


Has not done that on my one.....................
no problems at all after installing SP2


Yep, and like I said in the first place there are NO problems.
Anyway, I had no need to check as anything scheduled worked as and when it
was meant to.
When I said Has not done that on my one.
no problems at all after installing SP2


I guess you were lucky. All 5 of my machines stopped windows scheduled
tasks from running until I fixed them.


All of my computers were running Norton Antivirus. I wonder if that had
anything to do with the problem.


John L. said:
The only way I could get Scheduled Tasks working again after SP2 was to go
into the control panel , open up each individual scheduled task, then
uncheck only if logged on. Then choose ok or apply. Then I had to recheck
run only if logged on. I had to do this with each and every scheduled
task listed to get them all to work again.

Didn't happen on the 2 XPSP2 installations I did here at home.

I noted, back when the original XP came out, that you needed to have a
password for your username on your machine and enter the password for any
timed event. After that it went OK. I assume the same is still true in SP2.

Greg R

Didn't happen on the 2 XPSP2 installations I did here at home.

I noted, back when the original XP came out, that you needed to have a
password for your username on your machine and enter the password for any
timed event. After that it went OK. I assume the same is still true in SP2.
Kelly has a fix to use Task scheduler without a password. Download
the script file for home version of xp

Greg R

Reposted Sorry if duplicate
Didn't happen on the 2 XPSP2 installations I did here at home.

I noted, back when the original XP came out, that you needed to have a
password for your username on your machine and enter the password for any
timed event. After that it went OK. I assume the same is still true in SP2.
Kelly has a fix to use Task scheduler without a password. Download
the script file for home version of xp

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