Want listbox with Checkboxes



I've set up a form where a user mails a Quotation report to several
Contacts. I've put all the contacts in a multi select Listbox, and then I
loop through the list box, send an email to each.

Sometimes, its required to get a result from the mail. That is, store that
the Contact was mailed, and then come back at a later date and mark if the
Quotation was successful.

So I'd like to add a check box column to the listbox. The user ticks this if
he wants the email to be stored.

Is this possible?



Sorry, you can't do that with a list box. That would be imbedding a control
within a control, and that doesn't work. The only thing I can think of at
the moment is to add a check box "Save EMail" and if the button is selected,
save the emails as you loop through the List Box Items.

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