W2K Server SP2 - Any advice before I install SP4???



Here is the scene!

As part of my "other duties as required", I am the resident IT person.
I am more than a novice, but by no means a guru.

We have a W2K Server that currently stands at SP2. We were having some
problems with RPC and DCOM, but those were solved with the patch to
RPC from MicroSoft. No more errors! :)

As servers go, this server is the PDC and controls the Active
Directory. There are NO applications running on our server. Web and
e-mail are externally hosted.

Just for "laughs" I visited windows update. YIKES! Seems this puppy
has not been updated in <ahem> a while! I guess our "consultants" that
were supposed to maintain the thing didn't! No wonder they went out of
business. :(

In any case, it is clear that I need to install the patches to get our
server updated. Then I intend to read the MS stuff on "securing" our
server. Since I have had to figure out and fix a LEGION of screw-ups
by our 'consultants", I have no confidence that they properly secured
our server either. Even if they did, I would sleep better KNOWING that
it was done for sure rather than "assuming" it has been done at one
time. ;)

I have done some Googling around, and there are STILL horror stories
by people trying to install SP4 on their servers! I have to tell ya, I
am more than a little gun-shy here. The common observation I see is
that most of these servers are also running IIS, Exchange, et al.

So, can I presume that since we are NOT running additional
applications on our server that I am also not going to experience

Is there anything I need to check, adjust, update, correct prior to
the application of SP4 to our server??

Is there a special order to apply the patches that works "better" than
the others???

One more thing, we do have a DAT backup. But when we try to backup the
O/S, there are always files that do NOT backup. Locked, dont compare,

Is there a way to do a complete backup image of my W2K Server O/S so
that I can include ALL the files?

My biggest problem is we do not have a back-up server. And, of course,
everyone's productivity depends on this box. If it goes down, the $hit
will surely be in the fan.

Any and all suggestions will be greatly received.


Ken Simmons [MSFT]


Do a full system backup (including System State) ensuring that you verify
the backup. Shut down any 3rd party applications, including your
anti-virus software and install SP4. Once you have SP4 on the system, you
can go back to Windows Update and you should notice fewer updates to


Ken Simmons

Microsoft Technical Support for Platforms and Business Applications


Just a follow-up...

I just finished the SP4 install yesterday. All appears to have gone
smoothly. I did the rest of the critical patches, and most of the
recommended ones (I am NOT installing Media Player 9 on a server with
no speakers! ;)

I did some logins from various client machines on the network, and
test ran a number of applications.

Again all seems fine. I am crossing my fingers that others will not
have problems this week. But if no major problems surface by Tuesday
Afternoon, then I will consider the installation and upgrade a
success. :)


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