W2k login script



I have a problem, i want to create a login script for my
network clients to run an exe file at startup, the
problem is that i know nothing abt scripts.... can
anybody tell me how to creat such simple script??

MS Newsgroups

Here is a simple VB script that will execute a file. Depending on what you
are going to use the script for, you have to decide if you want to run it at
"startup" or "Logon". Startup scripts runs under the SYSTEM security context
and has full access to the machine it runs on. you would usually use this to
enforce machine settings. Logon scripts run under the user logging on
security context, and is used for settings that are user specific.

Save the file with a .VBS extension and apply where applicable.

Dim oShell

Set oShell=createobject("wscript.shell")
oshell.run "c:\winnt\Notepad.exe"


Niclas Lindblom

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