VPN problem !



I have my VPN connection running in my Windwos XP SP2 laptop. I have installed Windows Vista on my other box and tried to connect to my office network from VPN. but the connection is not established. What are the special settings in Vista. I am novice Vista user.

I also have Windows Live One care on my box. (trial version)

thanks in advance


You be better off asking your question in the following group


I've had a few questions answered there

I hope this helps
I have my VPN connection running in my Windwos XP SP2 laptop. I have installed Windows Vista on my other box and tried to connect to my office network from VPN. but the connection is not established. What are the special settings in Vista. I am novice Vista user.

I also have Windows Live One care on my box. (trial version)

thanks in advance


Open Live OneCare..select Change OneCare Settings>Firewall Tab>Firewall connection tool>Select VPN>OK

I have my VPN connection running in my Windwos XP SP2 laptop. I have installed Windows Vista on my other box and tried to connect to my office network from VPN. but the connection is not established. What are the special settings in Vista. I am novice Vista user.

I also have Windows Live One care on my box. (trial version)

thanks in advance


Depends on what VPN software your company is using. I had a problem with the Nortel Contivity VPN, but quickly resolved it by grabbing their Vista compatible beta version.
I have my VPN connection running in my Windwos XP SP2 laptop. I have installed Windows Vista on my other box and tried to connect to my office network from VPN. but the connection is not established. What are the special settings in Vista. I am novice Vista user.

I also have Windows Live One care on my box. (trial version)

thanks in advance


Where did you find the Vista beta - Nortel VPN Client? I've been looking for
it for months.

thanks in advance.


I found it.......
Google is your friend.

BJ said:
Where did you find the Vista beta - Nortel VPN Client? I've been looking for
it for months.

thanks in advance.

Kevin Spencer

I found it, but was unable to get it to work. This was due to the following:

The beta Contivity Client installs a hidden (not visible in any user
interface) network adapter and an invisible service. The service is
configured to interact with the desktop. Vista will not allow the service to
start, because it does not allow interactive services for security reasons.

However, if you're using the dial-up, it is possible you won't have this
issue. I don't know.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Software Composer

In case of Minimalism, break Philip Glass.


I have my VPN connection running in my Windwos XP SP2 laptop. I have installed Windows Vista on my other box and tried to connect to my office network from VPN. but the connection is not established. What are the special settings in Vista. I am novice Vista user.

I also have Windows Live One care on my box. (trial version)

thanks in advance

If your VPN server is using CHAP V1 then you can't connect, as CHAP V1
is depracated in Vista.

I can connect to all of my customers' VPNs EXCEPT ONE, as they use


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