Vlookup with Match - no results issue



I am trying to use a Vlookup to look up the left most field of a table, in
another worksheet and return the match of the column heading. I am not
getting results, just the formula itself. From everything I've read here it
is because of a data mistmatch but I cannot seem to be able to fix it even
though I sinked up all of the data types and retyped the formulas.

Does anyone know a way to fix this?
What does the last zero mean in the vlookup/match formula below?


Thanks for your help in advance.


yes I did use an = sign it just didn't get added to my cut/paste. The cut
and paste actually came from another post here. So this is my exact formula.

=VLOOKUP(F8,'Key Counts'!A5:T1500,MATCH('Qrtly Forecast by Route'!I6,'Key

I ask about the final zero because if I remove this portion of the formula,
I get results albeight wrong and blank, but at least the visual formula goes
away. There is an exact match in the table I am searching.

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