Vlookup question



Hi. i have a workbook with multiple worksheets and some of them contain
matching data. say, i have worksheet A where i have numbers in column 1, and
i have worksheet B where i have numbers in column 1 (some of them matching
the ones in worksheet A), and have Comments in column 2. i want to pull up
the comments in worksheet A where column 1 has matching data to worksheet B
column 1. i tried a simple Vlookup but i always get N/A. hope this makes
sense. any suggestions?

venumadhav g

Hi Daniel,
Please try the below lookup


in sheet b or sheet 2 in column c1

Don Guillett

Maybe not numbers?
Sub fixmynums()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
For Each C In Selection
If Trim(Len(C)) > 0 And C.HasFormula = False Then
C.NumberFormat = "General"
C.Value = CDbl(C)
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Maybe make lookup range absolute

Don Guillett

Post a sample or send your workbook to my address below along with snippets
of these msgs.



this may seem really basic, but i did the same thing and it worked great

In an active worksheet, I ran a column next to the data I was comparing (B3)
in this case. Then in MATCH, used the array from a different worksheet, and
the column A. After dragging the formula down the entire B column (30000
rows), I sorted. Two results. If there was a MATCH, it gave me the LOCATION
of the matching field, and if there was no match, I knew I was missing data
from the other worksheet. Hope this helps.. it's really easy and you can do
it on the fly without using VLOOKUP


i tried to apply the below, but no luck. what i dont understand is that out
of say a 100 lines, 4-5 will do work and it does bring up the relevant field
from worksheet B, but i get N/A for the rest.

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