VLOOKUP - Possibility of using a negative Col_index_num?


Amy K

VLOOKUP - Possibility of using a negative Col_index_num?

I have this workbook with two worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet 2. On
Sheet1, the user would enter dates on I11:J16. The corresponding names
for the dates are located on A11:B16 (merged cell)

On Sheet2, column A is a list of dates. I'd like for the formula to
look at dates on Sheet 2, column A. If any of the dates on Sheet2 -
Column A match on Sheet1 I11:J16, on the matching row of Sheet1, take
the information from A11:B16 (merged cell) and place it into Sheet2,
Column B.

For example, on Sheet 1, there is a value of Feb 2 on I11. If Feb 2 is
found in any row of Sheet 2 - Column A (say A6), I'd like to take the
corresponding text on Sheet1 - A11, and place it in Sheet 2, B6.

What is the best way to solve this issue?


In sheet 1 copy the cells with the names (A11:B16 ) and paste them to the
right of the dates (k11:L16). In sheet 2 cell B1 enter
=VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!J:L,2,FALSE) and copy the formula down to all of the cells
where you have dates on the left.


I'm not sure if it's what you want, but this may be the formula you
need in B6:



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