Vlookup 2,false



I have used the vlookup function many times to compare 2 different list using
1,false. What I am trying to do now is create an on call form where if I have
a persons name in cell D5 it will fill in their contact info. I understand
that I need to use 2,false to get the info from column B, but I am getting
the #REF! error code
An example would be

In sheet 1 I have
A B C etc
Name phone cell phone etc
jim 1234
ellen 2345

Sheet 2

In cell D5 I have the name jim
I want cell B6 to be the Phone # 1234

The formula I entered in cell B6 is the same that i always used except for
the 2,false
This should look in column A for the value in cell D5 and return the value
in column B but I am getting the #ref! error
From what I can figur out this error means that the function is not
reconizing that there is any info in column B

That is what has me stumped

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Earl Kiosterud


#Ref means you're making reference to cells that don't exist. Your VLOOKUP is looking in a
1-column range (A:A) and trying to retrieve data from the second column (the third
argument -- 2). Maybe you meant for it to look in A:B

Earl Kiosterud

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