Vista / Window Mail ISP Password Issue


Tom's Mail

I've never had a problem with Outlook or Express with various Microsoft
operating systems but the combination of Vista and Windows Mail is vexing
me. I've spoken with EMachines and Cox Communications (ISP) regarding
authentication issue to no avail. Machine is brand new and repeated attempts
are failing. Error message is:

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR invalid user name or password.', Port: 110,
Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

Latest edition of McAfee anti virus is in use. Any help is appreciated.

Gary VanderMolen

McAfee is your problem. It corrupts the password store.
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee
or Norton security programs. Those will need to be
uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

After completing the above, you may have to delete and re-
create the mail account that was corrupted by McAfee.

Gary VanderMolen [MS MVP-WLM]

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