Vista, the new ME.


Richard Urban

The more things change the more they stay the same!



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User

David R. Norton, MVP Shell/User

Ron K. said:
Isn't funny that a year ago people we're griping about how awful
XP was? Now all of the sudden its a great and wonderful OS!

No it's not, there hasn't been a great and wonderful OS since Microsoft
Bob! <GD&R>

David R. Norton, MVP Shell/User

Paul Smith said:
Oh yeah the good old days, "stick with Windows 98, XP is
unstable". LOL.

I didn't have that problem but I sure wanted to stick with Windows
2000, I liked Win2k and I still do!


I have had great success with the nVidia drivers for the 8800 GTS, the Vista
Beta drivers are working great and were available the day I got Vista for my
game pc. Not sure about drivers for their other graphics cards though. First
nVidia card I have ever owned. I usually stick with ATI, but I had a lot of
trouble with ATI's drivers recently, their all in one concept does not work
for me.


I have Win2k installed on a PIII laptop. Still use it lol. Not worth
upgrading that laptop, its sort of outdated but servers as a laptop for my
kid to plunk away. When I got my start with servers I used that laptop with
Win2k and rebooted once every three months, actually same with my server pc
running XP now, reboot every 90 days or so. Win server 2k3 soon for the
server :) and I now have Vista on all my other pc's and they are working


Richard said:
Over night Vista will become a gem. Then Alias will be telling everyone
to stay with Vista. (-:

Correction: I said stay with XP until Vista is ready for prime time.
Now, whether that will occur when Vienna is released remains to be seen.


Nina DiBoy

Richard said:
I thought I was the only one who picked up on that.

I have been working the XP news groups since it was in beta. A certain,
persistent bunch of complainers had nothing ever to say positive about
XP. Now all of a sudden XP is great. Stay with XP. Vista sucks! All of
XP's problems were solved or obliterated with the introduction of Vista.

Wow! (o:

Hey, at least I'm being consistent! I've always said XP sucks, and I
still stand by that! I just think that Vista sucks worse. ;)

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"DRM is not added to anything in Vista."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


I've been using MS OS regularly since DOS 2.1 and in my recollection, no
transition has even come close to the difficulty to get people to dump Win98
in favor of XP. I suppose the jury is still out on Vista but if the majority
of XP users are still using XP in a year, then we can start comparing the

Whereas the biggest holdups for the 98 to XP transition were hardware and
software incompatibilities, I see the holdup here being the lack of tangible
differences that the average user can see. Better security, reliability,
etc. are hard sells for the average user. Without Aero, it would be even


Final thought on Vista, buyer beware. Lastly, I do not wish to be entirely
negative so I will give a heartfelt thanks to Microsoft for putting out a
tremendously wonderful OS Windows XP.

Weren't you one of those Guys who said the same about "Good Old W98" when XP
was introduced?


Of all my associates - those who have had only negative experiences with
Vista have one thing in common - old or second rate hardware. I was given a
copy of Ultimate by a friend who didn't want it - I installed it as a trial
in dual boot on my non - critical desktop machine - I honestly thought I'd
be uninstalling after a few hours of playing. In fact I like it so much I
have plans to remove the XP install from the dual boot and also to do the
same with my Thinkpad which, like the desktop machine, boots up quicker and
runs faster than it does in XP. Both machines are top spec - hence, in my
opinion, the lack of problems.

Dale White

From what I read you just need to try and play some Tiger Woods 2007 or
getting the 8800s to run in SLI mode

Shane Nokes

Not for you I don't.

You see I actually post solutions to those who want them

To the trolls I only post rude comments.

So basically when I'm helping I kindly ask you to piss off.

Shane Nokes

What does it NOT have to do with it?

Software x for hardware x won't install and when I try to force it it
crashes my system.

Sound familiar?

Software that is written for an older OS almost invariable causes issues
with a new OS.

That's why things called software updates happen.

They're designed to fix those issues and make the system more stable.

Shane Nokes

Pop Quiz former MS hotshot.

Who ran the Bob project?

Should be an easy answer for you ;)

David R. Norton, MVP Shell/User

Shane Nokes said:
Pop Quiz former MS hotshot.

Who ran the Bob project?

Should be an easy answer for you ;)

You seem to have mistaken me for one who cares, I really don't know nor
do I feel badly about not knowing, sorry.

At one time Melinda French (later Mrs. Bill Gates) ran the project, the
actual project leader was Karen Fries. So who ran the Bob project?
Several people could be considered to have run the project at one time
or another but the most important person in the Bob project was Steve
Ballmer, I think he's the one who ordered Bob be killed and buried with
no funeral service.


Heck yeah, I look forward to that :)

Dale White said:
From what I read you just need to try and play some Tiger Woods 2007 or
getting the 8800s to run in SLI mode

Shane Nokes

I was asking Zim Babwe since he's an officious ass who claims to have worked
up here at campus.

That's why he was the person I was quoting, not you ;)

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