Vista+Office 2007+Frontpage 2003=something doesn't like each other



I'm not sure if this is Vista problem, an Office 2007 or Office 2003 (Front
Page) issue but.
On a Vista Ultimate 32-bit desktop with Office 2007 installed - using
Outlook 2007 as my mail client, when I install FrontPage 2003 as my web
editor, it takes the Outlook 2007 icon out of the EMAIL slot on the Start
menu. It's replaced by a white envelope, but it still says Microsoft Outlook.
When i try and launch Outlook hitting that envelope, it says "The item
you've selected is not available. It might have been moved (etc) would you
like to remove it?" At this point I say "NO"
I can launch it if I create a shortcut from the desktop to Outlok, but then
I have no "right click" functions to do any maintenance to Outlook.

Removing FrontPage 2003 and replacing it with Expressions: WEB does fix the
problem....... I would still like to have FP 2003 installed until I got the
hang of Expression: Web - but i sure as HECK need my outlook and to keep the
right-click functiosn handy. In short, I'm only asking that things work the
way they are supposed to.


I have all 3 and they work fine together

if you have that problem
you have to go to "programs and defaults" and make outlook your default mail
client again


Right click on the Task Bar and select Start Menu. Then select Customize.
Select Outlook on the pull down menu next to E-mail link.


Yes, both suggestions pretty much cover the same thing - and both were done.
The ICON is the white envelope, but it has the text MICROSOFT OUTLOOK under
it. So, somewhere between acutally BEING the program and the desktop default,
things are getting jacked. I even completly reloaded my entire desktop and
still the probelm exists. So, when you say you have all three, in what order
did you install Office 2007? Before or AFTER Front Page

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