Vista Networking Performance is pitiful



I have Vista ultimate RC-2 installed on 2 different desktop pc's. Using a
gigabit network with all gigabit nic's, switches etc. I have dual booting on
both systems. If I use vista my transfer file speeds are very slow to my NAS
boxes and my networked TIVOS. Under Windows MCE2005 it is quite fast. I have
tried setting the various TCPIP properties in the NIC card properties, I have
turned off most of the optional WIndows IP settings, no change. If I use XP
great speeds. My main question is to ask you all if you have dual boot
networked pcs does Vista perform as well over the network as your altenate
boot OS does? The thing that kills me is the same machine running media
center works great, but vista runs network transfers very slow.


It could be that your networking equipment is having a problems with Vista's
new TCP/IP stack. Try typing the following at a command prompt with admin

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=off

to turn it back on just change the off to on.

See if maybe this helps. I had problems with my wireless router until they
came out with updated firmware, so I had to do the above to get it to work


Same problem here. XP worked perfectly. Very fast. Vista Ultimate forces
me to wait on "calculating time" and if it does start transferring it's often
less than 1MB/sec when I should be around 10MB/sec or so. Very annoying.
sometimes I do get my full bandwidth, but not usually.


Isn't it great -- I can download a 40 Meg file from the internet faster then
I can transfer files between two inhouse computers -- Vista has network
problems that is for sure -- as well as disk to disk file copy withing the
same computer -- that is slow also

Robert L [MVP - Networking]

Check the hardware such as NIC and switch settings. Make sure the speed duplex are matching. This search result may have more details,

Vista Slow IssuesPost Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:35 pm Post subject: Vista Slow issues ... of Vista) it is very slow to resolve folder names. For example I have a . ...

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Isn't it great -- I can download a 40 Meg file from the internet faster then
I can transfer files between two inhouse computers -- Vista has network
problems that is for sure -- as well as disk to disk file copy withing the
same computer -- that is slow also

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