Vista Macros



My boss just updated my slow old computer with a fast new
computer...with Vista operating system. We immediately checked out
our visual basic code written under windows 2000, and the macros are
behaving differently. What I need to know is if we just need to
change some settings somewhere. Or would it be better to request
windows 2000 to be loaded onto this new computer?

Anyway, the modules are acting as though I've declared Option Explicit
(I have not). I get an error message for every undeclared variable.
I checked the Tools...Options menu and and the check box for Require
Variable Declaration is not selected. Declaring variables is not that
big a problem, although I'd like to know what is happening here.

The bigger problem so far is that many functions just don't work
anymore, the computer doesn't recognize them. Left( ) doesn't work.
FormatDateTime( ), MonthName( )...the list goes on. I can get around
some by using application.worksheetfunction.left( ) etc. Is there a
library of some sort I need to load? Does someone out there know what
the deal is? Thanks so much.


Nick Hodge


Excluding LEFT the others are not native Excel functions so I suspect they
were part of an add-in you haven't re-loaded ASAP utilities, PUP, etc, etc?

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)
blog (non-tech):

Dave Peterson

Open the workbook on the troublesome pc
Open the VBE
Select your project
Look for MISSING in that list of references.

Depending on what's missing, you may be able to uncheck it or replace it with
the version that Vista uses.


Huh...Tools -> References gives me "Error Accessing the System

Dave Peterson

That doesn't sound good--but since I don't run Vista, I don't have anything but

Does it happen after you reboot?
Does it happen if you're logged on as an admin?
If you try the same thing in MSWord's VBE, do you get that same thing?

Have you googled newsgroups for that phrase?
I just did and saw a post by Randy Birch that pointed to:
PRB: 'Error Accessing the System Registry' Message When Displaying VB/VBA

Do you use Crystal Reports?

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