Vista Home Premium constantly goes to sleep mode



Since I have upgraded to Vista my computer will, on it's on, go into sleep
mode at the most annoying times. I have been all through the settings but to
no avail. I have updated the bios also but nothing.

AMD Anthlon 64 FX-55
2 QB of ram
1TB HD space
A8V Deluxe motherboard w/updated bios


That is the thing, it seems totally random. I have been on for about 45
minutes and it has not been to sleep mode but my wife was on before me and it
was doing it about every five minutes. Opps, spoke to soon, just did sleep
mode on me. I have tried to link it to an event but no luck.

I have went through the bios and it is set to S1. In the windows settings
have have everything set to never go in sleep mode. I am just at a loss. I
have checked to if it had anything to do with the amount of resources it is
using at any one time but it doesn't seem to be linked either.

It is driving me crazy and I don't want to leave this with my wife as I am
off to Iraq this weekend.

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